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Origins of Shamanism, Spirit Beliefs, and Religiosity

A Cognitive Anthropological Perspective
  • ISBN-13: 9781498551915
  • By H. Sidky
  • Price: AUD $105.00
  • Stock: 0 in stock
  • Availability: This book is temporarily out of stock, order will be despatched as soon as fresh stock is received.
  • Local release date: 14/10/2019
  • Format: Paperback (220.00mm X 153.00mm) 254 pages Weight: 435g
  • Categories: Society & culture: general [JF]
Table of
In The Origins of Shamanism, Spirit Beliefs, and Religiosity, H. Sidky examines shamanism as an ancient magico-religious, divinatory, medical, and psychotherapeutic tradition found in various parts of the world. Sidky uses first-hand ethnographic fieldwork and scientific theoretical work in archaeology, cognitive and evolutionary psychology, and neurotheology to explore the origins of shamanism, spirit beliefs, the evolution of human consciousness, and the origins of ritual behavior and religiosity.
Chapter 1: Shamans and Shamanism: Issues and Problems from an Anthropological Perspectives Chapter 2: Shamanism and Altered States of Consciousness Chapter 3: Psychoactive Drugs, Chemical Ecstasy, Shamanism, and the Origins of Religion Chapter 4: The Prehistory of Shamanism Chapter 5: Shamanism and Upper Paleolithic Cave Art Chapter 6: The Origins of Spirit Beliefs and Implications for Shamanism: A Perspective from the Cognitive Sciences Chapter 7: Evolution of the Modern Mind, Spirit Beliefs, and Shamanism Chapter 8: Shamanism and Spirit Beliefs among the Neanderthals Chapter 9: Animism and the Shaman's Cognized Universe Chapter 10: The Shaman's Path: Becoming a Spirit Master and Cosmic Traveler Chapter 11: Shamanic Performance: Restructuring Reality, Healing the Sick, and Crisis Management Chapter 12: Spirit Encounter, Shamans, and Anthropologists: Epistemological and Ontological Challenges
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