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Donald Trump and the Prospect for American Democracy

An Unprecedented President in an Age of Polarization
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This book goes beyond examining Donald Trump as a unique and controversial President to place his election in a historical and systematic perspective. It offers an analysis of the 2016 presidential nominations and election, the economic and demographic foundations of the election of Mr. Trump, the realignment of the party system, ideological polarization in American politics, the realities of a postindustrial society locked in a global economy, and the outlook for American democracy in the twenty-first century.
Chapter 1: An Unprecedented President Chapter 2: From Umbrella Parties to Polarized Parties in American Politics Chapter 3: Trumping the Republicans and Berning the Democrats Chapter 4: The Presidential Election of 2016 in Historical Perspective Chapter 5: The Irony of Polarization: Parliamentary Parties Without Parliamentary Government Chapter 6: The Trump Era and Beyond: Postindustrial Democracy in America Conclusion
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