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Preaching Must Die!

Troubling Homiletical Theology
  • ISBN-13: 9781506411866
  • Publisher: 1517 MEDIA
  • By Jacob D. Myers
  • Price: AUD $51.99
  • Stock: 0 in stock
  • Availability: This book is temporarily out of stock, order will be despatched as soon as fresh stock is received.
  • Local release date: 15/11/2017
  • Format: Hardback (229.00mm X 152.00mm) 240 pages Weight: 0g
  • Categories: Christian worship, rites & ceremonies [HRCR]
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The real question for homiletics in our increasingly postmodern, post-Christian contexts is not how we are going to prevent preaching from dying, but how we are going to help it die a good death. Preaching was not made to live. At most, preaching is a witness, a sign, a crimson X marking a demolition site. The church has developed sophisticated technologies in modernity to give preaching the semblance of life, belying the truth: preaching was born under a death sentence. It was born to die. Only when preaching embraces its own death is it able to live. This book, then, is a bold homiletical manifesto against preaching in support of preaching, and beyond preaching to the entire worship experience. It troubles modern homiletical theologies in light of the trouble always already at work within preaching. Hereby, it supports a way of preaching-and teaching preaching-that moves counter to the "wisdom of this world." It aims to joins in God's self-revealed counterlogic of superabundance that saturates and thereby breaks open worldly systems of thought and practice. The purpose of this book is to expose preaching to its own death-to help it embrace its death-so that it can discover what eternal and abundant life might look and feels like.
Jacob D. Myers teaches preaching, biblical and theological interpretation, and postmodern culture at Columbia Theological Seminary in Atlanta, Georgia. He holds a PhD from Emory University and is an ordained Baptist minister.
Introduction: Preaching Must Die! 1. Before One's Time: Troubling Language 2. Crossing Over to the Other Side: Troubling the Preacher 3. The Gift of Death: Troubling Scripture 4. Giving Up the Ghost: Troubling God Conclusion: Preaching Meets Its Maker, Perchance
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