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Pastoral Imagination

Bringing the Practice of Ministry to Life
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In Pastoral Imagination: Bringing the Practice of Ministry to Life, Eileen R. Campbell-Reed informs and inspires the practice of ministry through slices of "on the ground" learning experienced by seminarians, pastors, activists, and chaplains and gathered from qualitative studies of ministry. Each of the fifty chapters explores a single concept through story, reflection, and provocative open-ended questions designed to spark conversation between ministers and mentors, among ministry peers, or for personal journal reflections. The book provides a framework for understanding ministry as an embodied, relational, integrative, and spiritual practice. Pastoral Imagination is closely integrated with the author's Three Minute Ministry Mentor web resource, which introduces the topics in the book through brief video presentations. The book serves as a coaching guide and a ministry mentor in its own right by expanding on these topics through the author's reflections, observations, and questions. Addressing the importance of the practice of ministry, Campbell-Reed states: "Ministry itself, like most professions and complex practices, is dogged and driven by a rush to achieve. Yet to focus on achievement can be disastrous, especially if we skip over the steps for learning. To learn the practice of ministry--a multifaceted professional and spiritual practice--takes time and preparation, risk and responsibility, support and feedback." The book can be used by individuals for personal growth; with groups in new-pastor retreats, CPE training programs, ministry peer groups, or supervision settings such as internship or field education; for devotional inspiration at staff meetings; and in seminary classrooms that prioritize teaching ministry as a practice.
Rev. Eileen R. Campbell-Reed, PhD, is coordinator of coaching, mentoring, and internships at Central Seminary (Nashville); visiting associate professor of pastoral theology and care at Union Theological Seminary (New York City); co-director of the Learning Pastoral Imagination Project; host of Three Minute Ministry Mentor; and author of State of Clergywomen in the US (2018) and Anatomy of a Schism (2016). Christian Scharen is Vice President, Applied Research for the Center for the Study of Theological Education at Auburn Theological Seminary in New York.
Foreword by Christian Scharen Preface 50 Ministry Topics 1 Ministry as a Practice 2 Seeing Holy Depths 3 Self-Reflection 4 Collaboration 5 Being There 6 Supporting Peers 7 Ministry as Embodied 8 Equity in Ministry 9 Ministry as Relational 10 Falling Creatively 11 Listening 12 Mentoring for Skill 13 Stakes for Ministry 14 Contemplative Prayer 15 Emotional Intelligence 16 Engaging Ritual 17 Aha Moments 18 Preaching Jesus 19 Brick Walls 20 Identity and Place 21 Practicing Resurrection 22 Transforming Injustice 23 Sabbath 24 Vocational Discernment 25 Examen 26 Future Stories 27 Preaching and Prayer 28 Thinking Theologically 29 Apprenticeship 30 Learning Goals: Harnessing Frustration 31 Learning Goals: Redirecting Fear 32 Learning Goals: Seeking Accountability 33 Cultivating Questions 34 Action-Reflection for Beginnings 35 Overcoming Isolation 36 Improvisation 37 Salience 38 Action-Reflection for Preaching 39 Pulled Up Short 40 Change Over Time 41 Two Vocations 42 Blueprint Stories 43 Facing Fears 44 Defining Moments 45 Navigating Conflict 46 Knowledge Use 47 Congruence 48 Holy Fierceness 49 Boundaries 50 Embracing Joy
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