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Hiding in the Pews

Shining Light on Mental Illness in the Church
  • ISBN-13: 9781506470481
  • Publisher: 1517 MEDIA
  • By Steve Austin, Foreword by Robert W. Lee
  • Price: AUD $49.99
  • Stock: 0 in stock
  • Availability: This book is temporarily out of stock, order will be despatched as soon as fresh stock is received.
  • Local release date: 21/09/2021
  • Format: Paperback (216.00mm X 140.00mm) 248 pages Weight: 318g
  • Categories: Christian counselling [HRCV3]
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In 2012, Steve Austin, then a pastor, nearly died by suicide. His experience launched him on a journey that opened his eyes to the widespread problem of mental illness and how those who live with it are often treated in congregations. He began to wonder: if church folks had talked openly about mental health, therapy, suicide prevention, recovery from abuse, and other difficult issues, would that have changed his story? In Hiding in the Pews, people with mental illness--some of whom might be pastors themselves--will find comfort as they learn they are not alone. Those who know someone with mental illness will gain wisdom about how to be a safe presence. Those who hold the most power in church communities--pastors, board members, and lay leaders--will be challenged and equipped to transform their congregations into places of healing, where it is safe for people to be vulnerable about their suffering. Austin draws on his own experience, as well as on interviews with eighty current and former church leaders and members. Each chapter covers a topic or theme about mental illness and the church and includes practical applications to guide leaders on a journey toward transforming church culture. When a church champions vulnerability and establishes safety within its walls, especially for those who are suffering, the healing power of God can set the captives free. Austin offers hope that faith communities will be the first places people think of when they need a sense of safety and belonging.
Steve Austin is a writer, coach, podcaster, and former pastor whose work has been featured in USA Today, Huffington Post, The Mighty, and other outlets. Austin nearly died by suicide after secretly suffering from depression, anxiety, and PTSD, and has become a leading voice at the intersection of faith and mental health. Austin resides in Birmingham, Alabama, with his wife and two kids.
Foreword Preface Introduction Vulnerability Can Heal Us Chapter 1 The Power of Vulnerable Leadership Chapter 2 Becoming Trauma Informed Chapter 3 The Wonderful Gift of Presence Chapter 4 The Terrible Gift of Sight Chapter 5 Interlude: God's Boundless Love Chapter 6 Embracing the Fullness of Your Story Chapter 7 Hiding Behind the Pulpit Chapter 8 Cultivating Vulnerable Conversations Chapter 9 Neutralizing Shame Chapter 10 Self-Care Basics Chapter 11 When the Church Gets It Right Appendix A Six Simple Steps for Suicide Prevention Appendix B Quick Reference Guide Appendix C The Role of Faith in Suicide Prevention Notes
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