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What Would Jesus See

Ways of Looking at a Disorienting World
What would Jesus see if he looked at the world around us today? In these pages, Aaron Rosen, one of the world's leading experts on art and religion, tackles this question--in turn helping us do the same. He invites readers to use their imagination and explore with him how Jesus saw, what he saw, and why it is important today. Rosen brings a fresh lens to the Gospels, informed by his experience as an art curator and critic as well as a scholar. He examines how Jesus kept his focus, his keen eye for spectacle, and his tools for discerning truth amid a flurry of false appearances. As he applies Jesus's view to key challenges facing society today, Rosen taps a surprising trove of examples drawn from art, current events, and popular culture. At the core of Jesus's ministry, Rosen finds, is a call to look at our world--especially those who are most disadvantaged--with radical empathy. In a time when our eyes have grown weary and unfocused, Rosen argues, Jesus offers us the chance to see the world with renewed vision, focused on those who need us most.
Dr. Aaron Rosen is an art curator and critic, a writer, and a scholar who has taught at Columbia, Yale, and Oxford Universities. He is director of the Henry Luce III Center for the Arts and Religion at Wesley Theological Seminary and visiting professor at King's College London. Rosen is the visual arts editor at Image Journal and author and editor of ten books, including Art & Religion in the 21st Century. He has published widely for various media, including The Guardian, The Los Angeles Times,, and Art in America. He lives with his wife Rev. Carolyn Rosen and their son on the coast of Maine.
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