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Mara Hears in Style

  • ISBN-13: 9781506488745
  • Publisher: 1517 MEDIA
    Imprint: BEAMING BOOKS
  • By Terri Clemmons, Illustrated by Lucy Rogers
  • Price: AUD $39.99
  • Stock: 8 in stock
  • Availability: Order will be despatched as soon as possible.
  • Local release date: 01/05/2024
  • Format: Hardback (260.00mm X 222.00mm) 32 pages Weight: 318g
  • Categories: Picture books [YBC]

Mara takes on the world with her flashy purple hearing aids and sassy, hot pink earmolds. Maras first day at her new school is filled with ups and downs surrounding her hearing aids: her teacher doesnt remember to turn on her microphone, the lunchroom is too chaotic for lip-reading, and she keeps reading the same question over and over on her classmates lips: "Whats in her ears?" After a morning spent navigating these challenges, Mara makes a connection on the playground and finds that her hearing aid superpowers are perfect for making new friends. Accessible and engaging, Mara Hears in Style will encourage readers to respect hearing differences and inspire kids who worry about making new friends. The book is filled with American Sign Language depictions--including a full alphabet spread--so readers can sign alongside Mara as they discover new ways to bridge communication gaps in their own communities.

Terri Clemmons writes picture books and middle-grade novels. She previously taught elementary school for twenty-five years. Clemmons lives with her family in Illinois. Lucy Rogers is an award-winning illustrator based in England. Prior to graduating with a BA Honors degree in illustration at Falmouth University, she was shortlisted for the Penguin Student Design Award of 2019. Lucy, who is deaf, has led a series of illustration workshops for young deaf people at the National Deaf Childrens Society and at the Deaf Academy.

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