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Thriving with PCOS

Lifestyle Strategies to Successfully Manage Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
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PCOS is the most common cause of anovulatory infertility. More than that, the symptoms of the syndrome can cause significant emotional distress and long-term health consequences. Most women who receive a diagnosis of PCOS have no idea what that means. This book picks up where a diagnosis leaves off. In Thriving with PCOS: From Diagnosis to Wellness, Kelly Morrow-Baez, aka the FitShrink, draws upon her personal experience with PCOS and professional background in mental health and gives readers all the information and tools they need to create a lasting healthy lifestyle change. This book is written from a mindset perspective and provides a comprehensive overview of PCOS and a solid foundation for the reader to design a lifestyle strategy for total wellness.

It’s widely known that lifestyle strategies are helpful when it comes to PCOS; however, most women struggle to implement them in a consistent way. This book goes beyond the typical recommendations and empowers each reader to decide what the best approach is for herself. Motivation is enhanced with explanations of how stress, medications, and eating habits are all connected to insulin resistance.

In addition to helping the reader understand the impact of insulin resistance, Morrow-Baez delves into the connection between lifestyle choices and emotional wellness and demystifies the link between them so that if you are suffering from anxiety or depression you know precisely what will work for you to start feeling better. Depression, anxiety, stress management are explored. Morrow-Baez explains how you can enhance connections with your health care providers and become a part of the team, rather than a bystander in your medical care. Pre-packaged lifestyle strategies are as unhelpful as processed food. The key is to design and implement a personalized strategy that is as unique as you are. 

Kelly Morrow-Baez, PhD, is a Licensed Professional Counselor. She has studied PCOS extensively, and is a sufferer herself. After her PCOS diagnosis and obesity-related health scare, she got healthy and became inspired to help other women do the same thing. Now she writes and speaks to women to help them achieve their health goals. Her brand, FitShrink, is a registered trademark. She has been featured in Dr. Oz Good Life Magazine and is a contributor for Thrive Global. She has also written for Everyday Power Blog,, and InShape Newsflash. She’s been quoted in Parents, Forbes, Teen Vogue, Oxygen and many more. She has experience talking about the psychology of health and wellness on the radio, podcasts, and on video. You can find her at

Chapter 1: You have PCOS. Now what?

Chapter 2: Diet: Eating to heal

Chapter 3: Exercise for women with PCOS

Chapter 4: Sleep: An essential healing technique

Chapter 5: Anxiety: It’s not all in your head

Chapter 6: Depression: You can feel better

Chapter 7: Self-Esteem, Self-Care, and Self-Worth

Chapter 8: Stress: What you don’t know can make you sick!

Chapter 9: Mindfulness: The peaceful healer.

Chapter 10: Helpful Options for Symptoms of PCOS

Chapter 11: Your Wellness Dream Team

Chapter 12: Going Forward

Thriving with PCOS tackles areas not often covered in PCOS self-help guides. Here, Kelly Morrow-Baez does not offer a miracle ‘flash in the pan’ cure to PCOS, but a guide to adopting a sustainable, realistic long-term approach to reducing PCOS symptoms, allowing life to be lived to the full. I could feel the enthusiasm of the author, herself a PCOS sufferer, bubbling out of the pages—making it easier to take on board the suggested approaches. I like that this book is not just about ‘alternative’ approaches, but is a way of working through lifestyle approaches and working with healthcare professionals to achieve the best results.
— Gaynor Bussell, B.Sc. (Hons) RD RNutr. (Public Health) MBDA, MNut.Soc; author of Managing PCOS for Dummies

Kelly Morrow-Baez has written a must-read primer for any women struggling with PCOS. Read this book and learn from Kellys experiences and I promise you will find exceptional advice that you can put to work to start thriving again.
— Dr. Jennifer Koslo, RDN, LD, CCSD, CPT; author of "The Insulin Resistance Diet for PCOS"

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