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Society in Focus

An Introduction to Sociology 9ed
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Society in Focus: An Introduction to Sociology, Ninth Edition, emphasizes how society and social forces affect everything from globalization and international policies to day-to-day activities in our personal lives. In this edition, the authors go beyond the mere questioning of issues to take a closer look at the social world in which we live. They provide an integrated approach that uses sociological thinking to help students analyze and understand key concepts. To focus increased attention on sociological thinking and research methods, they have chosen four key themes: media and technology, globalization, cultural diversity, and trends for the future. Because sociology is about all of us and our daily lives, it is an eminently practical and useful discipline for understanding our social world. This Ninth Edition Includes: * specific student outcomes for each chapter as well as assessment items linked to those outcomes * new chapter-opening vignettes that give real-life examples illustrating important terms, concepts, and theories included in that chapter * updated data, statistics, maps, charts, boxes, and tables citing the latest research available * examples of the powerful impact of media and technology on society, especially the role social media play in helping to shape and define our daily social lives * new photos and cartoons accompanied by critical-thinking questions that reinforce and illustrate important sociological terms, concepts, and theories
Preface About the Authors PART 1 Sociological Perspective Chapter 1 Discovering Sociology Learning Outcomes What Is Sociology? The Sociological Imagination Understanding Life in a Global Society Recognizing Diversity Things Are Not What They Seem: Sociology and Critical Thinking Sociological Focus 1.1 Critical Thinking and Sociology: Common Sense versus Common Nonsense Taking a Closer Look at Media and Technology The Development of Sociology The Changing Social Climate: The Industrial Revolution The Changing Intellectual Climate: The Rise of Science Early European Sociology Sociology Crosses the Atlantic Contemporary Sociology The Symbolic Interactionist Perspective The Structural Functionalist Perspective The Conflict Perspective Feminist Theory Which Perspective Is Best? Thinking Sociologically: Taking an Integrated Approach Looking to the Future Sociological Focus 1.2 Sociology in the "Real World": What Sociologists Do Summary - Key Terms - Outcomes Assessment Chapter 2 Doing Sociology Learning Outcomes Globalization, Diversity, and Types of Knowledge Experience Cultural Tradition Faith Authority Science Sociology and Scientific Knowledge Sociology as a Science The Theory-Building Process The Scientific Method Ethical Issues in Sociological Research Types of Research and Research Designs Types of Research Sociological Focus 2.1 The Sociologist as Voyeur Quantitative Research Designs Qualitative Research Designs Combining Research Methods The Relationship between Theory and Methods The Interactionist Perspective The Functionalist Perspective The Conflict Perspective Feminist Theory Social Research and the Media Infotainment: Information and Entertainment Pseudoscientific Polling versus Survey Research Technology and Research Sociological Focus 2.2 Lies, Damned Lies, and Statistics: Reporting Facts or Creating Virtual Truth? Looking to the Future Summary - Key Terms - Outcomes Assessment PART 2 Social Framework Chapter 3 Society and Culture Learning Outcomes What Is Society? Types of Societies Media, Technology, and Postindustrial Societies Sociological Focus 3.1: Virtual Societies What Is Culture? Material and Nonmaterial Culture The Origin of Culture Components of Culture Symbols Language Beliefs Values Norms Sanctions Ethnocentrism and Cultural Relativism Culture Shock Ethnocentrism Sociological Focus 3.2 The Nacirema Cultural Relativism The Relativist Fallacy Globalization and Cultural Diversity Subcultures Countercultures Multiculturalism From Modern to Postmodern Culture Culture, Class, and the Media Ideal and Real Culture Sociological Approaches to Society and Culture Society, Culture, and Functionalism Society and Culture from the Conflict Perspective Symbolic Interactionism, Society, and Culture A Feminist View of Society and Culture Looking to the Future Summary - Key Terms - Outcomes Assessment Chapter 4 Socialization Learning Outcomes The Socialization Process Nature and Nurture Sociobiology and the Importance of Heredity and Environment The Effects of Social Isolation Developing a Social Self Major Agents of Socialization: A Global View The Family The School Religion Peers The Workplace Media and Technology Sociological Focus 4.1 Technology and Toddlers: Socialization in the Age of Computers Socialization and the Life Course Socialization in Childhood and Adolescence Adult Socialization Sociological Focus 4.2 Looking for a Few Good (Wo)Men: Resocialization in a Marine Corps Boot Camp Desocialization and Resocialization Understanding Socialization Becoming Human: A Symbolic Interactionist Approach Perpetuating Society and Culture: A Structural Functionalist Viewpoint Maintaining Existing Inequalities: The Conflict Perspective Understanding the Gender Dimension: A Feminist Perspective Looking to the Future Summary - Key Terms - Outcomes Assessment Chapter 5 Social Interaction in Everyday Life Learning Outcomes Social Structure Statuses Roles Sociological Focus 5.1 Prisoners and Guards in a Mock Prison Social Networks Social Institutions Social Interaction Patterns of Social Interaction Social Perception and Stereotypes Social Acts Sociological Focus 5.2 Interacting with Santa Claus at the Mall Personal Space and Nonverbal CommunicationDefining Social Situations Dramaturgy: Presentation of Self and Impression Management Ethnomethodology: The "Taken-for-Granted" Aspects of Interaction Social Interaction, Media, and Technology Sociological Approaches to Interaction in Everyday Life The Structural Functionalist Approach The Conflict Perspective The Symbolic Interactionist Approach A Feminist Viewpoint Looking to the Future Summary - Key Terms - Outcomes Assessment Chapter 6 Social Groups, Organizations, and Bureaucracies Learning Outcomes Social Groups Primary and Secondary Groups In-Groups and Out-Groups Reference Groups Small Group Dynamics Sociological Focus 6.1 Cybergroups Formal Organizations Types of Organizations Contemporary Organizations Bureaucracies Bureaucracies: The Ideal Type Contemporary Bureaucracies: The Reality Sociological Approaches to Groups, Organizations, and Bureaucracies The Structural Functionalist Approach The Conflict Perspective A Feminist View Symbolic Interactionism Media Organizations, Technology, and Change Media Organizations Technology, Globalization, and Social Diversity Looking to the Future Sociological Focus 6.2 Bowling Alone in America? Summary - Key Terms - Outcomes Assessment PART 3 Social Differentiation and Inequality Chapter 7 Deviance and Conformity Learning Outcomes Defining Deviance and Conformity: A Global View Norms and a Range of Tolerance Importance of Time, Place, Situation, and Culture Significance of Actors, Audience, and the Media The Difference between Deviance and Crime Distinguishing between Diversity and Deviance Deviance and Stigma Popular Explanations for Deviance Deviants Are Different: From Demonology to Biology The Medical Model: Equating Deviance with Illness Blame It on the Media and Technology Sociological Focus 7.1 Does Media Violence Cause Aggressive Behavior? Sociological Analysis of Deviance and Conformity The Structural Functionalist Perspective Conflict Theories of Deviance Interactionist Explanations Sociological Focus 7.2 Topless Dancers: Managing Stigma in a Deviant Occupation Feminist Theories Deviance, Conformity, and Social Control Social Control and Deterrence Voluntary (or Internalized) Social Control Informal Social Control Formal Social Control: Crime and the Criminal Justice System Technology: Social Control or Out of Control? Technology and Social Control Technology Out of Control? Looking to the Future Summary - Key Terms - Outcomes Assessment Chapter 8 Social Stratification and the U.S. Class System Learning Outcomes Understanding Social Stratification Systems of Stratification Slavery Castes Estates Social Classes Determining Social Class Ranking Wealth Power Prestige Socioeconomic Status Social Classes in the United States Wealth and Income American Social Classes Sociological Focus 8.1 Monopoly Revisited: The Sociological Version Poverty: Media Images and Reality Who Are the Poor? Media Images Poverty: The Reality Homelessness and the Poorest of the Poor Social Class in the United States: Myth and Reality Life Chances and Social Class Social Mobility in the United States Sociological Focus 8.2 Ain't No Makin' It: Social Immobility in the Land of Opportunity Perspectives on Social Stratification The Functionalist Perspective The Interactionist Perspective The Feminist Perspective The Conflict Perspective Looking to the Future Summary - Key Terms - Outcomes Assessment Chapter 9 Global Stratification Learning Outcomes Globalization and Economic Development The Language of Development High-Income Nations Middle-Income Nations Low-Income Nations Global Stratification and Quality of Life The Global "Haves" and "Have-Nots" National Class Systems and Poverty Population Growth and Poverty The Poorest of the Poor: Women and Children Explaining Global Stratification Modernization Theory: A Functionalist Approach Sociological Focus 9.1 Globalization and a "World on Fire" Conflict Approaches to Global Inequality Interactionism and Global Stratification Feminism and Global Inequality Transnational Corporations: The Making of New "Haves" and "Have-Nots" Corporations and the New Global Assembly Line Media, Corporations, and Inequality Sociological Focus 9.2 Poverty and the Internet: Efforts to Narrow the Digital Divide Corporations, Diversity, and a World on the Move Looking to the Future Summary - Key Terms - Outcomes Assessment Chapter 10 Race and Ethnicity Learning Outcomes Understanding Race and Ethnicity in a Global Society Race Sociological Focus 10.1 Life on the Color Line Ethnicity Minority Groups Prejudice and Discrimination Racism Ethnocentrism Types of Discrimination Affirmative Action Race and Ethnicity, Media, and Technology Dominant-Minority Group Relations Cultural Pluralism Assimilation Segregation Genocide Race and Ethnic Diversity in the United States Perspectives on Race and Ethnicity A Functionalist Approach The Conflict Perspective Symbolic Interactionism A Feminist View Looking to the Future Sociological Focus 10.2 Beyond "Black" and "White"? Summary - Key Terms - Outcomes Assessment Chapter 11 Sex and Gender Learning Outcomes Sex and Gender in a Global Society Sex: Biological Differentiation Gender: Social and Cultural Differentiation Sociological Focus 11.1 The Social Costs of Violating Gender Norms Explaining Gender Differences Socialization and Gender Identity: An Interactionist Approach Gender Complementarity: The Functionalist View Gender Stratification: A Conflict Perspective Standpoint Theory: A Feminist View Sexism: Inequality Based on Sex and Gender In the Family In Religion In Education In the Workplace Sociological Focus 11.2 Sexual Misconduct, "Time's Up," and the "Me Too" Movement In Sports In Politics and Government In the Military In the Media Feminism: The Struggle for Gender Equality Feminist Movements in the United States Global Feminism Resistance to Feminism Sexual Orientation and Diversity Homosexuality and Bisexuality Homophobia Looking to the Future Summary - Key Terms - Outcomes Assessment Chapter 12 Age and the Elderly Learning Outcomes Gerontology: The Study of Aging Population Aging and the "Graying" of the Globe Bodily "Wear and Tear": Biological and Physiological Aging From "Midlife Crisis" to "Senior Citizen": Psychological Aging Sociological Focus 12.1 The Fountain of Age: Redefining the Meaning of Growing Old "Act Your Age": The Social Dimensions of Aging Aging and Diversity: A Global Perspective Growing Old in Traditional Preindustrial Societies The Elderly in Industrial Societies Aging in Contemporary Postindustrial Societies Growing Old in American Society Ageism Mass-Media Stereotypes Retirement, Fixed Incomes, and Poverty Social Isolation Elder Abuse Health Maintenance Death and Dying Sociological Focus 12.2 The Euthanasia Debate: Merciful Death? Or Murder? Sociological Explanations of the Aging Process Social Disengagement Theory: A Functionalist Perspective Symbolic Interactionism: Activity Theory of Aging An Aged Subculture: The Conflict Approach Intersectionality of Age and Gender: A Feminist Perspective Exchange Theory: Combining Perspectives on Aging Looking to the Future Summary- Key Terms - Outcomes Assessment PART 4 Social Institutions Chapter 13 Families Learning Outcomes What Is a Family? Family Diversity: A Global Portrait Descent Patterns Family Patterns Dating and Mate Selection, Marriage, and Divorce Patterns Residence and Authority Patterns Sociological Approaches to the Family Functionalism and the Family The Family from the Conflict and Feminist Perspectives Social Exchange and Symbolic Interaction U.S. Families: In the Life Course Dating and Mate Selection Sociological Focus 13.1 Swipe Right or Swipe Left: Love on the Internet Cohabitation: A New Dating and Mate-Selection Stage? Singlehood Marriage and Divorce Rates Families in the Middle and Later Stages of Life U.S. Families: A Portrait of Social Diversity Families of Myth and History Media Families: Compounding the Myths? Families in the United States: The Reality Family Transitions and Family Problems Domestic Violence Sociological Focus 13.2 Parental Discipline? Or Family Violence? Balancing Family and Work Looking to the Future Summary - Key Terms - Outcomes Assessment Chapter 14 Education Learning Outcomes Education in a Global Society A Proper British Education Kanri Kyoiku in Japan Education in the United States The Role of Education: A Functionalist Perspective Cultural Transmission Anticipatory Socialization Social and Cultural Integration Sociological Focus 14.1 Learning the Student Role: Kindergarten as Academic Boot Camp Innovation and Cultural Change Latent Functions of Education Education and Social Stratification: Conflict and Feminist Perspectives Unequal Access to Schooling and Educational Inequality Educational Credentials: Schools as a Screening Device Education and Occupational Opportunities in the United States Education and Everyday Life: An Interactionist View Socialization: Personal and Social Development Labeling Students: The Self-Fulfilling Prophecy Schools as Bureaucracy: Dehumanization of Education Contemporary Trends in American Education Preschool and Early Childhood Education Standardized Testing Year-Round Education Charter Schools and School Vouchers Homeschooling Diversity, Multicultural Education, and Globalization Expanding Role of Community Colleges Challenges for Education Sociological Focus 14.2 School Violence and School Safety Media, Computers, and Technology Looking to the Future Summary - Key Terms - Outcomes Assessment Chapter 15 Religion Learning Outcomes Defining Religion The Sacred and the Profane Religious Symbols, Beliefs, and Rituals Sociological Focus 15.1 Sociological Thinking and Extraordinary Phenomena The Difference between Religion and Magic Religion and Ultimate Meaning Global Religious Diversity Animatism Animism Theism Ethical Religions The Social Organization of Religion Ecclesia Denomination or Church Sect New Religious Movement Sociological Perspectives on Religion Religion and Functionalism Religion from the Conflict Perspective Religion, Interactionism, and Social Change Religion and Feminism Religious Movements in Focus Early Revivals and Religious Movements The Holiness and Pentecostal Movements Evangelical and Fundamentalist Movements Sociological Focus 15.2 End of the World Movements and Social Change Religious Movements in a Global Context Religious Movements in a "New Age" Religion, Media and Technology Evangelical Media Technology and Religion Religious Diversity in the United States Social Correlates of Religion Religion and Race: African American Religious Organizations Looking to the Future Summary - Key Terms - Outcomes Assessment Chapter 16 Politics and War Learning Outcomes Government and Personal Freedom Power, Politics, and Authority Traditional Authority Legal-Rational Authority Charismatic Authority Expertise Politics and Influence Propaganda, Censorship, and Ideology Politics, Influence, and the Media Technology, Influence, and Contemporary Politics Sociological Focus 16.1 Campaigning Online and "Fake News" in Cyberspace Globalization and Political Systems Authoritarian Systems Democratic Systems Democracy: American Style Political Participation and the American Voter Interest Groups Political Parties Sociological Approaches to Politics and Government The Functionalist Approach Conflict Approaches The Symbolic Interactionist Perspective Feminist Views on Government and Power War, Nuclear War, and Society Perspectives on War The Development of War Technology and "Infowar" Nuclear War and Society Sociological Focus 16.2 Cyberterrorism and Cyberwars: The Future of War? The United Nations and the Search for Peace Looking to the Future Summary - Key Terms - Outcomes Assessment Chapter 17 The Economy and Work Learning Outcomes Sociology and the Study of the Economy Production Distribution of Goods and Services Consumption The Economic System The Global Economy Capitalism Socialism Mixed Economies Transnational Corporations and the Global Economy The American Economy and Work From an Agrarian to an Industrial Economy Advertising and the Media Postindustrialism and Service Work Blue-Collar, White-Collar, and Pink-Collar Occupations Primary and Secondary Labor Markets and the Rise of Professions Sociological Focus 17.1 Handling the Stigma of Handling the Dead Self-Employment Unemployment and Underemployment America's Hidden Economy Work as a Social Phenomenon Work as a Social Role Work and the Social Structure Sociological Focus 17.2 Working on an Assembly Line Work and Identity Worker Satisfaction Taking a Closer Look at the Economy and Work A Functionalist View The Conflict Perspective An Interactionist Approach A Feminist Viewpoint Looking to the Future Summary - Key Terms - Outcomes Assessment Chapter 18 Health and Medicine Learning Outcomes Health and Sickness: A Global View Health and Sickness in Poor Nations Health and Sickness in Wealthy Nations Health and Sickness in the United States Epidemiology: The Social Dimensions of Health Social Attitudes toward Health and Illness Disease and Stigma: AIDS and Ebola Health, Disability, and Social Identity Sociological Focus 18.1 New Diseases, Social Panic, and Cultural Change Medicine and Health Care: A Cross-Cultural View Japan: Scientific Medicine and Kampo Sweden and Norway: Prenatal to Postmortem Health Care Great Britain: Socialized Medicine in a Capitalist Society Medicine and Health Care in the United States The Development of Modern Medicine The Age of Specialization Sociological Focus 18.2 Medical Technology and Ethical Issues Media, Technology, and the Medicalization of American Society The Health-Care Crisis: A Functionalist Viewpoint The Health-Care Crisis from the Conflict Perspective The Health-Care Crisis from a Feminist Perspective Is There a Health-Care Crisis? An Interactionist Approach Integrative Medicine and Alternatives to Conventional Health Care Looking to the Future Summary - Key Terms - Outcomes Assessment PART 5 Social Change Chapter 19 Population, Urbanization, and Ecology Learning Outcomes Demography and Global Population Fertility, Mortality, and Migration Population Composition and Density Population Growth Growth Rates and Doubling Time Malthusian Theory The Population Bomb: Malthusian Theory Revived The Theory of Demographic Transition Population Growth in the United States The Growth of Cities and Urbanization The Rise of Cities Urbanization Sociological Focus 19.1 The Pursuit of Loneliness: The Fallacy of "Escaping It All" The Metropolis, the Megalopolis, and the Suburbs Problems in American Cities and Suburbs Sociological Focus 19.2 The Suburbanization of America: Progress? Or Social Decline? Urban Sociology and Human Ecology Toennies' Gemeinschaft and Gesellschaft Durkheim's Mechanical and Organic Solidarity Redfield's Folk and Urban Societies The Chicago School and Ecological Studies The Concentric Zone Model The Sector Model The Multiple-Nuclei Model Human Ecology and the Environment Overpopulation Depletion of Natural Resources Pollution: Water, Air, and Land The Media, Technology and Environmental Concerns Sociological Analyses of Population, Urbanization, and the Environment A Functionalist Approach The Conflict Perspective Symbolic Interaction A Feminist View Looking to the Future Summary - Key Terms - Outcomes Assessment Chapter 20 Social Change, Collective Behavior, and the Future Learning Outcomes What Is Social Change? Macro-change Micro-change Sources of Social Change Sociological Focus 20.1 Technology and a Surveillance Society? Sociological Approaches to Social Change Functionalist Theories Conflict Approaches Interactionist, Feminist, and Other Contemporary Perspectives on Change Collective Behavior Interpreting Collective Behavior Crowds, Masses, and Collective Behavior Social Movements Perspectives on Social Movements Social Movement Organizations The Life Course of Social Movements Sociological Focus 20.2 "Enough is Enough!" and the "Never Again" Movement Factors Related to Movement Success Social Movements and Change Looking to the Future Media Visions of the Future Technology and the Future Social Trends: The Next 10-25 Years Summary - Key Terms - Outcomes Assessment Glossary References Name Index Subject Index Credits
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