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Artificial Intelligence

Rise of the Lightspeed Learners
  • ISBN-13: 9781538116807
  • By Charles Jennings
  • Price: AUD $81.99
  • Stock: 0 in stock
  • Availability: This book is temporarily out of stock, order will be despatched as soon as fresh stock is received.
  • Local release date: 14/07/2019
  • Format: Hardback (235.00mm X 160.00mm) 216 pages Weight: 480g
  • Categories: Artificial intelligence [UYQ]
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Self-learning machines called AIs are popping up all around us. They're real, and really important. They're affecting our lives-as workers, consumers, investors, citizens, patients and students. AIs bring huge promise, but also existential risk. The biggest risk isn't killer robots-it's the renegade leaders, despots, and unrestrained hackers everywhere we should worry about. Charles Jennings' insightful new book, Artificial Intelligence: The Rise of the Lightspeed Learners presents sides of AI most people have never even considered before. That surprises are a main product of AIs. That AI cybersecurity is much more critical than traditional IT security. That, as Vladimir Putin put it, "the country that leads in AI will control the world." Jennings blends insights into Silicon Valley, Washington D.C., and Beijing with insider AI stories, irreverent humor and strong opinions. He explores the global AI ecosystem from Cambridge to Beijing; and provides a stark assessment of AI activity in China-where he lived for two years working with senior government officials. He claims that the U.S. and China are in an AI horserace that will be the most important technology contest ever, with the outcome still very much in doubt. Consisting of stories, musings, interviews, and more, it provides a timely and accessible explanation of AI and its key issues to the general reading public.
CHAPTER 1:An Uncanny Ability to Learn CHAPTER 2: Not Your Father's AI CHAPTER 3: The Singularity Games CHAPTER 4: Truckin' in Flip Flops CHAPTER 5: Ben Franklin's Purse CHAPTER 6: A Modest Proposal CHAPTER 7: Uncle Sam vs. Red Star CHAPTER 8: The Porn Star's Deepfake, and Other Security Paradoxes CHAPTER 9: AIs in the Government Henhouse CHAPTER 10: The AI Casino CHAPTER 11: Artificially Intelligent Poetry? CHAPTER 12: The Way Forward
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