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The Seventies

The Decade That Changed American Film Forever
This book tracks the changing of the guard in the 1970s from the classic Hollywood studio system to a new generation of filmmakers who made personal movies targeted primarily to a thirty-and-under youth audience. These filmmakers reinvented the content and aesthetics of the medium to show that movies can be more than entertainment.
Vincent LoBrutto is the author of four books on filmmaking, including Principal Photography: Interviews with Feature Film Cinematographers and Sound on Film: Interviews with Creators of Film Sound. His articles have appeared in American Cinematographer and Films in Review. He teaches in the film, video, and animation department at the School of Visual Arts in New York City and lives in Mount Vernon, New York.
Vincent LoBrutto is a one-man library of the American cinema. The author of definitive oral histories of key creative personnel, director biographies, and film studies textbooks sinks his formidable teeth into what is probably Hollywood's greatest unsung decade of artistic and commercial film-making.--Patrick McGilligan, author of "Alfred Hitchcock: A Life in Darkness and Light" Vincent LoBrutto has devoted his life to film. That devotion shines through on every page of this, a book itself devoted to a decade that changed cinema forever.--David Marchese, staff writer, New York Times Magazine
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