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American Political Sex Scandals from Alexander Hamilton to Donald Trump
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Historian Michael Martinez surveys political sex scandals in American history, from the earliest years of the Republic to today, to explore how these events impacted the politics of the day and the legacy they left for future generations of American leaders.
J. Michael Martinez is the author or editor of 15 books on American history and law including the Rowman & Littlefield titles A Long Dark Night: Race in America from Jim Crow to World War II (2016), Terrorist Attacks on American Soil: From the Civil War Era to the Present (2012), Coming for to Carry Me Home: Race in America from Abolitionism to Jim Crow (2011), and Carpetbaggers, Cavalry, and the Ku Klux, Klan: Exposing the Invisible Empire during Reconstruction (2007). He is a practicing attorney in Atlanta, Georgia.
Table of Contents Prefatory Matter (dedication, epigraph, table of contents) Photograph Captions Introduction and Acknowledgments Chapter 1: "My Real Crime is An Amorous Connection with His Wife": Alexander Hamilton and Maria Reynolds Chapter 2: "Dreams of Freedom in His Slave's Embrace": Thomas Jefferson and Sally Hemings Chapter 3: "She is as Chaste as a Virgin": Andrew Jackson and the Petticoat Affair Chapter 4: "You Have Dishonored My House, and You Must Die!": Daniel Sickles and Philip Barton Key II Chapter 5: "I Never Kissed Miss Tilton, I Never Told a Lie!": Reverend Henry Ward Beecher and Elizabeth Tilton Chapter 6: "Ma, Ma, Where's My Pa? Gone to the White House, Ha, Ha, Ha!": Grover Cleveland's Illegitimate Son Chapter 7: "It's a Good Thing I'm Not a Woman. I Would Always be Pregnant. I Can't Say No": Warren G. Harding, Carrie Phillips, and Nan Britton Chapter 8: "She had the WAYS; he had the MEANS": Wilbur Mills and Fanne Foxe Chapter 9: "If Anybody Wants to Put a Tail on Me, Go Ahead. They'll be Very Bored": Gary Hart and Donna Rice Chapter 10: "This Shadow Life Made a Mockery of My Marriage": Bob Packwood Chapter 11: "I Did Not Have Sexual Relations with That Woman, Miss Lewinsky": Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky Chapter 12: "Out of Respect for My Family, and Out of a Specific Request from the Levy family, I Think It's Best That I Not Get into Those Details": Gary Condit and Chandra Levy Chapter 13: "If Only He'd Hired a Hooker Like a Normal Congressman": Anthony Weiner Chapter 14: "Who Would Have Thought That 90 Seconds with Donald Trump Would Turn into 90 Percent of My Life?": Donald Trump's Sex Scandals Afterword References About the Author
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