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Rediscovering a Nation

Will the Real America Please Stand Up?
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Polarization. Division. Hate. Many Americans wonder how our politics became dysfunctional-and what it will take to fix it. Historian Michael Santos takes readers on a journey to the heart of the American nation and the values that have allowed us to overcome previous challenges, sometimes in spite of ourselves. He remembers the heroes and heroines who challenged us to be better versions of ourselves. Santos addresses a series of interrelated questions: What are the legacies of this country, handed down to us by the Founders? What have previous generations done to keep the principles upon which the Republic rests alive and to advance their implications for more and more people? Where were the fault lines that put the American experiment at risk, and how have we overcome them? And when we have failed to overcome them, what possible lessons are there for an understanding of what America is and can become? By offering these historical perspectives, Santos helps readers overcome the current crisis in faith about the present challenges and future prospects for the American experiment.
Michael W. Santos is a Professor of History at the University of Lynchburg in Virginia. A dedicated and enthusiastic teacher, Santos has received the Shirley Rosser Excellence in Teaching Award and the T.A. Abbott Award for Faculty Excellence.
Preface We Hold These Truths . . . The Delicate Balance A Republic . . . If You Can Keep It The Intangibles Power and Principle Citizens and Soldiers Keepers of the Flame Will the Real America Please Stand Up? Suggested Readings About the Author
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