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The Upside of OCD

Flip the Script to Reclaim Your Life
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Many OCD sufferers fail to improve using the standard exposure-response prevention (ERP) treatment. But, as Clinical Psychologist Michael Alcee contends, it's not the patients who are failing the treatment, but rather the treatment that is failing the patients because it ignores the heightened empathy and existential sensitivity that accompanies OCD. Part treatment-manual and part-manifesto, The Upside of OCD shows sufferers and therapists how to flip the script on OCD: the creative powers that allow OCD sufferers to see the world with such unique depth, feeling, and intensity. Using vivid case examples, practical exercises, personal anecdotes, and inspiring stories this book integrates the best of what's already out there for OCD treatment with a new relational twist that will take your treatment to a whole new level.
Michael Alcee, PhD, is a clinical psychologist in private practice in Tarrytown, NY, and is a Mental Health Educator at the Manhattan School of Music. He is the author of Therapeutic Improvisation: How to Stop Winging It and Own It as a Therapist. Michael was the winner of the American Psychological Association's Division 39 Schillinger Memorial Award in 2019 for the best essay on the link between psychoanalysis and jazz. He is a regular contributor at Psychology Today where he writes about the intersection between creativity, psychotherapy, parenting, improv, pop culture, & much more. Michael has contributed to NPR, The Chicago Tribune, and The New York Times, among others. He has been a TEDx speaker and organizer and has appeared on a variety of podcasts.
Introduction: Claiming The Hidden Upside Chapter 1: OCD Reimagined Chapter 2: Mapping the Heart of OCD Chapter 3: All This Good Inside: Masterminding OCD Chapter 4: OCD Does Your Dirty Work Chapter 5: Caring for Your Wildness Chapter 6: Making Meaning in the Face of Death Chapter 7 Freeing the Muse Within the Critic Chapter 8: Becoming Yourself With and Beyond Your OCD Bibliography Index About the Author
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