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Ridiculous Packaging

Or, my long strange journey from atheist to Episcopalian in two acts
Karen Favreau is a Generation X seeker who has run the spiritual gamut. Raised Catholic, she lapsed into atheism and began a long, strange journey back to Christian faith. In Ridiculous Packaging she chronicles her trip, offering a humorous, non-preachy, and heartfelt memoir in which she attempts to decipher why a cynical, thirty-three year old atheist would open her heart and accept God's love after having spent an entire lifetime running away from him.
Karen Favreau was born and raised in Gardner, Massachusetts. She received a Master's degree in Library Science from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro, and works as a public library manager by day and freelance writer, musician and cartoonist by night. Karen's work has appeared in National Lampoon, the Greensboro News & Record, Discipleship Journal, and Funny Times. She hopes someday to become an Episcopal priest or the fourth member of the Dixie Chicks, whichever comes first.
Do you know someone searching for a faith relationship or a deeper meaning to Christ and His Church?... Favreau tells, sometimes in explicit detail, her search from Roman Catholicism to atheism, in and out of Eastern religions, into some professional counseling. Act Two in her book is her discovery of the Episcopal Church over other denominations and one, St. Andrew's in Greensbour, N.C., that gave her acceptance and approval of her searching. It is her journey of searching throughout the book-both before St. Andrew's and after-that makes Favreau's book worth reading. -- Harrison T. Simons Education/Liturgy Resources This memoir tells the story of 30-something Favreau's journey from Catholicism to atheism to Episcopalianism... The last few chapters couch theological humdingers in autobiography: hermeneutics, sin, suffering, prayer, compassion... Favreau well represents Gen-X spirituality; she is frank about her doubts, and she is as interested in the journey as the destination. Publishers Weekly
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