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Facing Decline, Finding Hope

New Possibilities for Faithful Churches
  • ISBN-13: 9781566997324
  • By Jeffrey D. Jones, Foreword by Phyllis Tickle
  • Price: AUD $65.99
  • Stock: 0 in stock
  • Availability: This book is temporarily out of stock, order will be despatched as soon as fresh stock is received.
  • Local release date: 16/04/2015
  • Format: Paperback 152 pages Weight: 0g
  • Categories: Christianity [HRC]
Table of
Church today isn't the same as it was fifty years ago-or even ten years ago. In spite of the powerful stories of turn-around churches with skyrocketing memberships, the difficult reality is that most congregations are getting smaller. Jeffrey D. Jones asks brave questions for congregations facing this reality-what if membership growth isn't the primary goal for a church? How can churches remain vital, even with declining attendance? Facing Decline, Finding Hope is an essential resource to help congregations confront their shrinking size while looking towards the hopeful reality that God is calling them to greater faithfulness. The book draws on biblical and theological resources, as well as contemporary leadership studies, to help leaders-both clergy and laity-set aside a survival mentality and ask new questions to shape ministry more attuned to today's world. Facing Decline, Finding Hope is a powerful book for leaders who want to honestly assess the size of their church and plan for faithful, invigorating service regardless of whether membership numbers are up or down.
Table of Contents Foreword by Phyllis Tickle Preface Introduction Part 1-Facing Reality Chapter 1: The Trouble with Pool Tables and What that Means for Us Chapter 2: Why Ezra and Nehemiah Were Wrong and What that Means for Us Chapter 3: But Wait! There's More! Part 2-Old and New Questions for Churches Chapter 4: In/Out Chapter 5: Pastor/Congregation Chapter 6: Planned/Discerned Chapter 7: Survive/Serve Chapter 8: Save/Sign Part 3-Embracing the Dangerous Work of Change Chapter 9: The Predicament Chapter 10: The Prayer Bibliography
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