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The Case For Children

Why Parenthood Makes Your World Better
  • ISBN-13: 9781569804742
  • Publisher: BARRICADE BOOKS
  • By Simcha Weinstein
  • Price: AUD $32.99
  • Stock: 0 in stock
  • Availability: This book is temporarily out of stock, order will be despatched as soon as fresh stock is received.
  • Local release date: 07/08/2013
  • Format: Paperback (216.00mm X 140.00mm) 118 pages Weight: 167g
  • Categories: Advice on parenting [VFX]
Today many young men and women are doing everything during their reproductive years except reproduce! Never before in human history have birth rates intentionally fallen so far, and so fast, and in so many places. This groundbreaking book explores the overwhelming benefits that parenthood brings to individuals and society. It provides strong expert statistical evidence that contradicts many modern myths of parenthood. The Case for Children will inspire younger adults to participate in this all-important discussion, whether they end up having kids or not.
Rabbi Simcha Weinstein is an internationally known best-selling author who was recently voted "New York's Hippest Rabbi" by PBS Channel 13. He chairs the Religious Affairs Committee at Pratt Institute and resides in Brooklyn, NY
Why have more children-or children at all? Simcha Weinstein reminds us that kids don't have to be the burdens-and money pits-pop culture paints them to be. And he should know-he has four (as of this printing)! -- Lenore Skenazy, author of Free-Range Kids
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