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Hunting Vignettes

Tales from the Big-Game Hunting World
What would you do if you suddenly encountered the dreaded, and deadly poisonous, Gaboon viper while silently stalking through the thick Cameroon forest in search of a forest sitatunga? Find out what Ben Seegmiller did to avoid being bitten by this hideous snake with two-inch-long fangs. If dangerous snake encounters are not enough to raise your blood pressure several notches, wait until you read what Ben did when three large bull elephants charged him and his professional hunter in the tangled Zimbabwe bush while they were attempting to avoid exactly that situation. _ese and other exciting and entertaining hunting vignettes compose more than seventy stories of Ben's adventures in the big-game hunting world beginning in the 1940s and continuing through the first two decades of the 2000s. Ben writes with wit and dry humor as he describes his adventurous experiences and their eventual outcomes over the course of his long and exciting life as a big-game hunter.
A life member of both Safari Club International and Grand Slam Club/ OVIS, Ben Seegmiller has received the SCI World Conservation and Hunting Award and the GSCO Slam Quest Pinnacle. He has hunted in more than thirty-five countries, taken more than 200 animal species, and has some 550 entries in the SCI Records. Ben was the first person to receive all eighteen SCI Grand Slams by 2012, and all twenty-eight SCI Inner Circle Awards at the Diamond Level by 2015. All told, Ben has participated in more than 200 hunting safaris. Growing up in a hunting and mining family in south-central Utah, Ben received his doctorate in Mining Engineering in the 1960s at the University of Utah. He became an international mining consultant specializing in rock stability and has more than fifty years of experience in stabilizing rock structures and providing expert witness testimony and consulting advice. He has also written vignettes about his mining adventures, his years houseboating on Lake Powell, his snow skiing experiences, his world travel adventures, and his personal life. _ese and other adventures from his exciting life will be published in an upcoming series of vignettes.
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