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Perpectives, Principles And, Practive
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Impulsivity features in contemporary descriptions of many psychiatric disorders, and is also a key element in the clinical risk assessment of violence. By examining the nature, assessment and treatment of impulsive conduct, this volume brings together contributions from researchers and clinicians in both mental health and correctional settings. Chapters seek to illuminate current understanding of impulsive behaviour from conceptual, legal, and biological perspectives, and address the challenges of describing and measuring it. With special emphasis on how the likelihood of future violent or destructive behaviour can best be gauged in specific cases, the volume includes several risk-assessment tools.
Part I Perspectives: a clinical perspective on impulsivity, Webster, Jackson; a legal perspective on the concept of "impulsivity", Ogloff; a social psychological perspective on impulsivity - intimate violence as an example, Dutton; a sociological perspective on impulsivity - some cautionary comments on the genesis of a clinical construct, Menzies; a cybernautical perspective on impulsivity and addiction, Clark. Part II Foundations: the biopsychology of impulsivity - focus on brain serotonin, Coscina; brain impairment in impulsive violence, Bowman; impulsivity in adults - a critical review of measurement approaches, Parker, Bagby; impulsivity in children and adolescents, Zaparniuk, Taylor; impulsivity in major mental disorders, Coles; impulsivity in DSM-IV impulse-control disorders, Hucker; impulsivity and psychopathy, Hart, Dempster; a conceptual model for the study of violence and aggression, Jackson. Part III Practice - assessment: assessing risk of violence to others, Webster, Douglas, Eaves, Hart; assessing risk of suicide in correctional settings, Polvi; assessing risk of violence in wife assaulters - the spousal assault risk assessment guide, Kropp, Hart; assessing risk of sexual violence - guidelines for clinical practice, Boer, Wilson, Gauthier, Hart; a guide for conducting risk assessments, Webster. Part IV Practice - treatment: mentally disordered offenders - what research says about effective service, Harris, Rice; pharmacological approaches to impulsive and aggressive behaviour, Conacher; a systems approach to the management of impulsive behaviour, Eaves, Tien, Wilson; integrated support - a case approach to the management of impulsive people, Ryan; a guide for creating treatment programmes.
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