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Guidelines for Testing Psychic Claimants

So many people claim to be psychic these days. Palm readers and astrologers "see" into the future, while mediums insist they can communicate with the dead, and "psychic detectives" are brought in to help solve crimes. Faith healers and psychic surgeons attract vast audiences, and millions of TV viewers are exposed to "psychic hotlines." But what proof do we have that any of these claims can be supported? Authors Wiseman and Morris provide practical and flexible guidelines to help health professionals, law enforcement agencies, cult investigators, scientists, and the public assess those who claim to have strong psychic ability. From outlining specific types of tests to developing experimental protocols, finally, the tools exist to detect and prevent fraud and deception.
Richard Wiseman (Hertfordshire, UK) is senior lecturer in psychology at the University of Hertfordshire. Robert L. Morris (Edinburgh, UK) is Koestler Professor of Parapsychology at the University of Edinburgh.
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