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Right or Wrong?
Table of
Is suicide ever rationally or morally justified? A host of suicide related matters are explored in this timely collection of essays that clarifies the battle-lines of public debate surrounding this intense and painful topic. This classic volume has been updated and expanded with ten new selections, making it one of the most complete works available on the subject.
John Donnelly is professor emeritus of philosophy at the University of San Diego.
Introduction; The Stoic View; The Catholic View; Reason and Superstition; Duties towards the Body in Regard to Life; Attitudes toward Suicide; Medicide: The Goodness of Planned Death; Love and Death; Selling Death and Dignity; Report of the Council on Ethical and Judicial Affairs of the AMA; Suicide, Self-Sacrifice, and Coercion; The Rhetoric of Suicide; Suicide and Self-Inflicted Death; Suicide and Self-Starvation; Mastering the Concept of Suicide; Suicide: Its Nature and Moral Evaluation; Preventing Suicide; The Ethics of Suicide; The Ethics of Suicide Prevention; Theistic and Nontheistic Arguments; Voluntary Death, Property Rights, and the Gift of Life; The Morality and Rationality of Suicide; On Choosing Death; The Art of Suicide; The Morality of Physician-Assisted Suicide; Is There a Right to Die?; Suicide and Rights.
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