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Erotic Tales of the Victorian Age

Despite rigid moral codes, some nineteenth-century writers flaunted convention by producing erotica published by underground houses and distributed widely, much to the chagrin of religious and political leaders of the Victorian Age. And while today it seems that writing about sexuality is completely uninhibited, it pales in comparison to the steamy and graphic yet romantically inviting and colorful works authored many years ago. Erotic Tales of the Victorian Age includes selections from the spicy "Eveline" by Anonymous, the story of a resourceful young woman who enjoys teasing various men by letting her hands wander; "My Secret Life" by "Walter", which explores the author's carnal travellog; the lusty "Rosa Fielding" by Anonymous; "Therese Raquin" by Emile Zola; "My Life and Loves" by Frank Harris; the infamous "Venus in India" by Charles Devereaux, describing the author's sexual exploits as a member of the British Army; "The Perfumed Garden" by Sir Richard Burton, which reads like a Victorian Joy of Sex; tantalizing extracts from Dracula by Bram Stoker, and more.
Bram Stoker (1847 - 1912) is best known for his gothic novel Dracula. Sir Richard Francis Burton (1821 - 1890) was a British explorer, geographer, translator, writer, soldier, orientalist, cartographer, ethnologist, spy, linguist, poet, fencer, and diplomat; he is best known for his translations of The Perfumed Garden, The Kama Sutra, and One Thousand and One Nights. Frank Harris (1856 - 1931) was an Irish editor, novelist, short story writer, journalist, and publisher; he is perhaps best known for his autobiography, My Life and Loves. Emile Zola (1840 - 1902) was a French novelist, playwright, journalist, and the best-known practitioner of the literary school of naturalism; among his many novels are Nana, Germinal, Truth, and Lourdes.
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