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Hatred, Bigotry, and Prejudice

Definitions, Causes & Solutions
An armed assault on a Jewish community centre in Los Angeles, synagogues set ablaze in Sacramento, the shootings of ethnic minorities in Illinois, the murder of a gay couple in northern California - these hate crimes have all been linked to white supremacists and are painful reminders that violent bigotry remains stubbornly entrenched in American culture. What, in today's seemingly enlightened society, compels a bigot? How do prejudice and hatred emerge, and sometimes lead to such horrific violence? What can be done to overcome this subversive social undercurrent? This concise and relevant collection of essays explores the definitions, origins, and outcomes of intolerance in America.
Robert M. Baird (Waco, TX) is a professor and chair of the Philosophy Department at Baylor University. Stuart E. Rosenbaum is a professor of philosophy and director of graduate studies in philosophy at Baylor University. He is the editor of Pragmatism and Religion. Together they edit the Prometheus Contemporary Issues Series.
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