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The Evil We Do

The Psychoanaysis of Destructive People
Murder, rape, and atrocity are serious social problems. Yet, despite their persistence, the reasons for deeply destructive behaviour still elude contemporary psychological theories. Based on his four decades of clinical experience, humanistic psychoanalyst Dr. Carl Goldberg uses case studies of apparently irredeemable and dangerous people from all walks of life to dramatically demonstrate that even those who have led destructive lives can escape evil and be restored to more hopeful, compassionate, and responsible lives. Crucial to a probing examination and successful treatment of the dark side of life, Dr. Goldberg shows in his case studies, is addressing important psychological and philosophical issues ignored by contemporary psychologists and psychoanalysts. "The Evil We Do" is a book full of telling insights about the most troubling aspects of human nature-knowledge that is essential if American society is ever to deal effectively with the violence that plagues it.
Carl Goldberg, Ph.D. (New York, NY), is the author of twelve books and 170 shorter publications, the editor-for-the-Americas of the International Journal of Psychotherapy, and is on the editorial boards of the American Journal of Psychotherapy and the Journal of Adult Development. His book Speaking with the Devil received the H. M. Moss Achievement Award for the best book published in 1996 on a subject related to theology.
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