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9781575067803 Add to Cart Academic Inspection Copy

Development of God in the Old Testament:

Three Case Studies in Biblical Theology
  • ISBN-13: 9781575067803
    Imprint: EISENBRAUNS
  • By Markus Witte
  • Price: AUD $64.99
  • Stock: 0 in stock
  • Availability: This book is temporarily out of stock, order will be despatched as soon as fresh stock is received.
  • Local release date: 14/08/2017
  • Format: Paperback 152 pages Weight: 0g
  • Categories: Bibles [HRCF]
Table of

In this volume, Witte presents three case studies on biblical theology and demonstrates how the ways of speaking and thinking about God in the Old Testament constitute the religio-historical and theological basis for the discourse on God’s acts in the person of Jesus Christ in the New Testament. The theology of the Old Testament and that of the New Testament are inseparably connected, even if discrete theologies of the Old and New Testaments can be identified. The first study traces the development of the understanding of God in the Old Testament through the Hebrew divine title, El Shaddai, and one of its most important Greek equivalents, pantokrator. The use of the title El Shaddai, its ancient Near Eastern religious background, its transfer into Hellenistic Judaism, and its theological significance reveal fundamental aspects of a biblical theology that is equally indebted to comparative philology and to the history of religion. The second essay discusses justice as a central theme of the theology of the Old Testament and as an essential category in defining the relationship between God and humanity through a selection of different texts from the canon of the Hebrew Bible and the Septuagint. The third study offers a short literary-historical biography of Yahweh as the creator of the world, the master of history, the guarantor of justice, and the donor of wisdom. It takes into account the approach of the first essay, which presents theology as a sort of religio-historical onomastics, and reflects, on the basis of the second essay, the traditio-historical presentation of images of God and his anointed in the Old Testament as a background for theology and christology in the New Testament.




Chapter 1. From El Shaddai to Pantokrator: Reflections on the History of Israelite and Jewish Religion and on Biblical Theology through the Lens of a Divine Name1. El Shaddai (אל שׁדי) 

2. Pantokrator

3. Conclusion

Chapter 2. From Divine Justice to Human Justice1. Introduction

2. The Case of Cain

3. David and the King as Guarantor of Justice

4. Job and the Crisis of Justice

5. The Torah of Habakkuk

6. Pseudo-Solomon’s Promotion of Justice

7. Conclusion

Chapter 3. From Yahweh to the Messiah: Images of God in the Old Testament as Background for the Discourse on Jesus Christ in the New Testament1. Introduction

2. Jesus Christ as the Subject of Old Testament Exegesis

3. Jesus Christ as Reflected in the Names of God in the Old Testament

4. Jesus Christ as Reflected in the Experience of God in the Old Testament

5. Conclusion


Index of Authors

Index of ScriptureOld Testament

New Testament

Deuterocanonical Works


Index of Subjects, Names, Words, and Other Ancient SourcesSubjects and Names

Akkadian Words

Aramaic Words

Egyptian Words

Greek Words

Hebrew Words

Jewish Texts outside the Bible and Rabbinic Texts

Greek Authors

Aramaic, Phoenician, Ugaritic, and Egyptian Texts

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