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American Philosophy and Rudolf Steiner

Emerson, Thoreau, Peirce, James, Royce, Dewey, Whitehead, Feminism
  • ISBN-13: 9781584201373
  • Publisher: STEINER BOOKS INC
  • Edited by Robert McDermott
  • Price: AUD $80.99
  • Stock: 0 in stock
  • Availability: This book is temporarily out of stock, order will be despatched as soon as fresh stock is received.
  • Local release date: 25/05/2013
  • Format: Paperback (234.00mm X 156.00mm) 220 pages Weight: 0g
  • Categories: Western philosophy, from c 1900 - [HPCF]
Table of
Rudolf Steiner's ideas have reached all corners of the globe, touching areas such as agriculture, education, spirituality and medicine. This book examines the impact of Steiner's philosophy in relation to signficant American thinkers, including R. W. Emerson, Henry Thoreau, Josiah Royce and John Dewey. Includes contributions by David Ray Griffin, Gertrude Reif Hughes, Frank M. Oppenheim, S. J., Douglas Sloan and Robert McDermott.
Preface by Robert McDermott Foreword by Dan McKanan Introduction by Robert McDermott Hearing Steiner's Anthroposophy in Emerson's Prophetic Voice by Gertrude Reif Hughes Deliberate Lives, Deliberate Living: Thoreau and Steiner in Conversation by Rebecca Kneale Gould Charles Sanders Peirce and Rudolf Steiner: Prophetic Philosophers by Robert McDermott William James and Rudolf Steiner by Robert McDermott Josiah Royce and Rudolf Steiner: A Comparison and Contrast by Frank M. Oppenheim, S. J. Steiner's Anthroposophy and Whitehead's Philosophy by David Ray Griffin John Dewey's Project for "Saving the Appearances": Exploring Some of Its Implications for Education and Ethics by Douglas Sloan Rudolf Steiner's Activist Epistemology and Its Relation to Feminist Thought in America by Gertrude Reif Hughes Bibliograph
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