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Handbook of Spirituality and Worldview in Clinical Practice

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Unlike works that focus primarily on spiritual experience, this clearly written volume focuses on worldview - the cognitive aspects of belief - and how it affects the behavior of both patient and clinician. Also unlike other works, this remarkable volume summarizes assessment, formulation, and treatment principles, using powerful case vignettes to illustrate how these principles can be applied to any individual of any faith or "non-faith," including practical clinical information on major faith traditions and on the secular (i.e., atheist/agnostic) worldview. This refreshing text sheds much-needed light on an area too often obscure to many clinicians. Because it bridges several disciplines in a novel way, this thought-provoking volume will find a diverse audience among mental health care students, educators, and professionals everywhere concerned with religious and spiritual aspects of their patients' lives.
ContributorsPrefacePART I: Conceptual FoundationChapter 1. Introduction: Definition and Significance of a WorldviewPART II: Clinical FoundationsChapter 2. Worldview in Psychiatric AssessmentChapter 3. Worldview in Diagnosis and Case FormulationChapter 4. Therapeutic Implications of WorldviewPART III: Patients and Their TraditionsChapter 5. Protestant ChristiansChapter 6. Catholic ChristiansChapter 7. JewsChapter 8. MuslimsChapter 9. Hindus and BuddhistsChapter 10. Atheists and AgnosticsPART IV: Worldview and CultureChapter 11. Worldview in Global PerspectiveIndex
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