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Of Little Faith

The Politics of George W. Bush's Faith-Based Initiatives
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George W. Bush had planned to swear his oath of office with his hand on the Masonic Bible used by both his father and George Washington, however, due to the inclement weather, a family Bible was substituted. Almost immediately on taking office, President Bush made passage of "faith-based initiatives"-the government funding of religious charitable groups-a legislative priority. However, "inclement" political weather stormtossed his hopes for faith-based initiatives as well. What happened? Why did these initiatives, which began with such vigor and support from a popular president, fail? And what does this say about the future role of religious faith in American public life? Amy Black, Douglas Koopman, and David Ryden-all prominent political scientists-utilize a framework that takes the issue through all three branches of government and analyzes it through three very specific lenses: a public policy lens, a political party lens, and a lens of religion in the public square. Drawing on dozens of interviews with key figures in Washington, the authors tell a compelling story, revealing the evolution of the Bush faith-based strategy.
Introduction: The Faith-Based Initiatives through Three "Lenses" 1. Before the Faith-Based Initiative: Background and Disputes 2. On the Trail: Campaigning on Faith-Based Issues 3. Partisan Appeal: Faith-Based in a Republican House 4. Who CAREs? Faith-Based in a Divided Senate 5. Rocky Roads: Faith-Based Efforts in the Executive Branch 6. Persuasive Confusion: The Federal Courts and Faith-Based Initiatives 7. Of Little Faith?: Lessons from the Faith-Based Saga Appendix A: Interview Methodology Appendix B: List of Interviews Appendix C: Executive Orders Affecting Faith-Based Policies, 2001-2002 Cases Cited Notes Bibliography Index
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