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9781591023623 Add to Cart Academic Inspection Copy

The Losing Battle With Islam

  • ISBN-13: 9781591023623
    Imprint: PROMETHEUS
  • By David Selbourne
  • Price: AUD $53.99
  • Stock: 0 in stock
  • Availability: This book is temporarily out of stock, order will be despatched as soon as fresh stock is received.
  • Local release date: 30/01/2006
  • Format: Hardback 541 pages Weight: 0g
  • Categories: Islam [HRH]
Table of
In this comprehensive study of the Islamic revival from 1947 to the present, historian David Selbourne traces in detail the complex causes motivating the rise of Muslim fundamentalism in many countries and the West's largely uncomprehending response to it. He frankly describes the hostilities, cruelties, and errors of judgement on both sides. Writing neither from the 'left' nor from the 'right', Selbourne pieces together up-to-date information from more numerous sources than in any other work on the subject. He highlights the grotesque role that some sections of the Western media have played and seeks to do justice to the Islamist cause, demonstrating how many of the real issues of the Islamic revival have been evaded. Selbourne argues that whether the 'reawakening' of the Islamic and Arab worlds has taken the political form of Arab nationalism, as under the leadership of Egyptian President Gamal Abdul Nasser in the 1950s, or the economic form of the OPEC oil embargo in 1973 and 1974, or the religious form of the Iranian revolution of 1989 and the present al-Qaeda suicide squads, in all its guises it is motivated by a sense of entitlement in Muslims to determine their own destiny free of Western subordination. Selbourne concludes with a warning against the illusions of the West about its superiority and ability to contain a force that is confident of its own moral superiority and certain of its ultimate triumph. Addressed both to general readers and to policy makers, academics, and journalists, "The Losing Battle with Islam" will stand for some time as one of the most impartial and authoritative accounts of a half century of Western conflict with Islam.
David Selbourne is a historian who taught for two decades at Ruskin College, Oxford, the college of the British labour movement. He is also a freelance writer who has written for the Times, the Guardian, the Sunday Telegraph, the Independent, New Statesman, and India Today. Among his many books are The Principle of Duty and The Spirit of the Age.
The Misnaming; A Bad Press; The Hostile Round; Beyond Reason; Israel and Jews; Into the Moral Labyrinth; Taking Liberties; Thinking within Limits; The Force of Faith; Against Illusion; Index.
""[S]erves both as a chronicle of the past 50 years of the Islamic 'reawakening' and a warning that Western responses to it are misguided and counter-productive." -Middle East Journal "Selbourne...writes with an unusual and refreshing clarity and honesty....eminently worth reading -- and eminently worth passing on to the many, many pollyannas among us." - Jihad Watch "[Selbourne's] argument is that no matter how you look at it, the economic, social and religious rise of Islam is motivated by a sense of Muslim determination to free their world from Western subordination: a determination which could hold wide-ranging impact for the West....essential reading for any definitive collection on terrorism of Middle East politics." - Midwest Book Review, Internet Bookwatch
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