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Inerrant the Wind

The Evangelical Crisis in Biblical Authority
In this painstakingly researched analysis of the controversy surrounding American Protestantism, the author conveys an understanding of the ferment by focussing on a recent period of intense theological conflict in which fundamentalists accused their mainstream brethren of abandoning the doctrine of biblical inerrancy. This book provides a comprehensive grasp of the relevant literature as well as a cogent taxonomy of evangelical positions for and against inerrancy.
Robert M. Price (Selma, NC), professor of scriptural studies at the Johnnie Colemon Theological Seminary, is the editor (with Jeffery Jay Lowder) of The Empty Tomb: Jesus Beyond the Grave and the Journal of Higher Criticism. He is also the author of Top Secret: The Truth Behind Today's Pop Mysticisms; The Paperback Apocalypse: How the Christian Church Was Left Behind; The Reason-Driven Life: What Am I Here on Earth For? and many other works.
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