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Woodslane Online Catalogues

Living the Ethics and Morality of Islam

How to Live As A Muslim
  • ISBN-13: 9781597842129
  • Publisher: TUGHRA BOOKS
    Imprint: THE LIGHT INC
  • By Ali Unal
  • Price: AUD $30.99
  • Stock: 1 in stock
  • Availability: Order will be despatched as soon as possible.
  • Local release date: 14/01/2010
  • Format: Paperback (228.00mm X 153.00mm) 226 pages Weight: 250g
  • Categories: Islam [HRH]Islamic studies [JFSR2]
The "How to Live as a Muslim" series is an essential guide for anyone who seeks to acquire an accurate knowledge of Islam, as it elucidates all the facets of Islam with precise brevity in three volumes: "An Introduction to Islamic Faith and Thought", "Living in the Shade of Islam", and "Living the Ethics and Morality of Islam", respectively. The first volume of the series delves into the heart of the matter, presenting clearly the fundamentals and different aspects of Islamic faith. It makes an effort to peel away the layers of what we think we know about Islam to reveal what Islam says about itself, and to explain the pillars of the Islamic faith. It discusses Islam's worldview, how we fit into it, and what God expects of us. It explains why Prophets were sent to guide us to the truth, why the Qur'an is the best guide for this journey, and how and why God equipped us to make this journey. Also examined in detail are the Resurrection and the Afterlife, Divine Destiny, eschatology, death and the spirit after death, and the invisible realm of existence.
Ali Unal is a renowned scholar and a prolific translator of works with an Islamic theme into English. He has written for many periodicals and is a columnist for Zaman Daily Newspaper.
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