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Surrendering to God

Understanding Islam in the Modern Age
Tatari presents a unique understanding of Islam, rooted in the rich tradition of Islamic history and scholarship, as well as contemporary exegeses of the Quran. The word Muslim is commonly used like a brand name: One is either a Muslim or not. In this book, Tatari expounds on the literal meaning of being a Muslim, which is the verbal noun submitter. She explains that one is a submitter (aka. Muslim) if and when she is surrendering her mind, heart, and actions to Gods will. The book engages all intellectuals who seek a deeper knowledge of Islam. It offers insights into the worldview presented by Islam to common theological, spiritual, and social issues and existential questions.
Dr Eren Tatari is an Assistant Professor of Political Science at Rollins College, FL. She completed her Ph.D. at Indiana University and her MA from Purdue University. She received a BA from Franklin and Marshall College, PA in Government and Economics. Her teaching and research focus on Islam and Muslims in the West.
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