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Communicative Engagement and Social Liberation

Justice Will Be Made
  • ISBN-13: 9781611478532
  • By Patricia Arneson
  • Price: AUD $117.00
  • Stock: 0 in stock
  • Availability: This book is temporarily out of stock, order will be despatched as soon as fresh stock is received.
  • Local release date: 14/10/2015
  • Format: Paperback 232 pages Weight: 0g
  • Categories: Philosophy [HP]
Table of
Communicative Engagement and Social Liberation: Justice Will Be Made recognizes limitations in contemporary understandings that separate history and rhetoric. Drawing together ontological and epistemic perspectives to allow for a fuller appreciation of communication in shaping lived-experience, facets of the two academic subjects are united in acts of communicative engagement. Communicative engagement draws from Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka's writings on the human condition; extends the communicative praxis of philosopher Calvin O. Schrag by reuniting theoria-poiesis-praxis; expands Ramsey Eric Ramsey's writings to provide ground for vitalizing social liberation; and includes the work of philosophers including Hans-Georg Gadamer, Maurice Merleau-Ponty, and Michel Foucault as well as philosophers of communication including Lenore Langsdorf, Michael J. Hyde, Corey Anton, and others who guide a recollection of the significance of poiesis in human communication. Myrtilla Miner, Mary White Ovington, and Jessie Daniel Ames dedicated their lives to being out-of-place and speaking out-of-turn to alter the way humanity was understood by members of society at large. The lived-experiences of these historical figures assists readers in recognizing how creativity (poiesis) can potentially enable liberation from restrictive social circumstances.
Introduction: "Changing the Conversation" PART I: FORGING AN OPENING Chapter One: Anchored in the Life-World and Moored to Social Worlds Chapter Two: Communicative Engagement: The Reasoning Art of Theoria-Poiesis-Praxis Chapter Three: Liberating Possibilities in Communicative Engagement Chapter Four: Communicative Engagement: The Ethical Demand for a Fitting Response PART II: FORGING A LIFE Chapter Five: Myrtilla Miner: Advocate for the Right to Education Chapter Six: Mary White Ovington: Advocate for Civil and Political Rights Chapter Seven: Jessie Daniel Ames: Advocate for Even Justice in the Right to Legal Protection PART III: OPENING A LIFE Chapter Eight: Seeking Social Liberation Chapter Nine: Communicative Engagement and Social Liberation Bibliography
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