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Fortunate Son

A Novel of the Greatest Trial in Irish History
  • ISBN-13: 9781611880779
  • Publisher: STORY PLANT PRINT
  • By David Marlett
  • Price: AUD $32.99
  • Stock: 0 in stock
  • Availability: This book is temporarily out of stock, order will be despatched as soon as fresh stock is received.
  • Local release date: 25/02/2014
  • Format: Paperback (229.00mm X 153.00mm) 350 pages Weight: 426g
  • Categories: Historical fiction [FV]
Meet James Annesley, son of 18th Century Ireland. Though you may have never heard his name before, his story has already touched you in profound ways. Now, for the first time, novelist David Marlett brings that incredible story to life. Stretching from the dirty streets of Ireland to the endless possibilities of Colonial America, from drama on the high seas with the Royal Navy to a life-and-death race across England and up the Scottish Highlands, from the prospect of a hangman's noose to a fate decided in the halls of justice, FORTUNATE SON is a powerful, relentless epic. Here nobility, duels, love, courage, revenge, honor, and treachery among family, friends and ancient enemies abound. And at its center is the most momentous trial in Irish history the trial of Annesley v. Anglesea from which our modern "attorney/client privilege" was forged, and our concept of a "jury of one's peers" was put to the test. Carefully researched, vividly evoked, and lovingly brought to the page, FORTUNATE SON is an unforgettable work of fiction based on fact, one that will resonate deep within you long after you finish it.
"David Marlett sets a wonderful historical novel against beautiful descriptions of Ireland in telling the story of a disputed earldom. Fortunate Son offers rich history, well developed characters, and a unique conclusion." -- Glen Cuchine, Christian Science Monitor "I could tell that Mr. Marlett knew his subject inside and out and I truly believe that this is what made this book so very readable... The blood, sweat and tears, of the characters and the author are ever-present in this book. I really recommend this book to adventure fans, historical fans, and legal fans. It's a great book and I thoroughly enjoyed it!" -- Tales of a Book Addict "I would recommend this book to anyone who likes a good historical read." -- Shelly's Book Shelves "The reader will sense the drama about to unfold at the end, but be resistive, and not wanting the book to end, having become lost in the tale. It's much like coming out of a warm pool to the bracing cool air. It is hard to believe that Marlett has written such a in depth, imaginative, reality based drama. Let's hope the movie rights do get sold- I for one would love to see it brought to the big screen, but know it could never to his prose justice!" -- Bless Their Hearts Mom "If every book I read were as textured and well-written as Fortunate Son by David Marlett, I would need to live a lot longer just to read. I was enthralled from the first sentence." -- Bags, Books & Bon Jovi
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