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India's Summer

India Butler, single and about to turn forty, travels to LA in an attempt to reinvent her life. In a world rarely illuminated by the flashbulbs of the paparazzi, she discovers the true meaning of having it all."
"INDIA'S SUMMER is a furious, fast-paced, fun romp through the excesses of life in the Hollywood fast lane, with some thought- provoking wisdom interspersed throughout." -- Jane Green, New York Times bestselling author A book has an energy field all of its own and India's Summer has a really great one." -- Ekhart Tolle, spiritual leader and New York Times bestselling author INDIA'S SUMMER offers a timeless tale of women supporting one another - delivered in a way that makes it feel fresh, alive, and utterly of the moment." -- Arianna Huffington India's fascinating character is what makes India's Summer a compelling read. She is trying to make a big shift in her life, in her career, in the choices she's making. She's funny, clever and vulnerable and you are rooting for her every step of the way." -- Goldie Hawn INDIA'S SUMMER avoids the familiar cliches of LA and yet captures the character of the city so well." -- Orlando Bloom
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