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Food and the City

Urban Agriculture and the New Food Revolution
This is the inspiring chronicle of a radical movement against the industrial food behemoth, and a reclaiming of communities to grow, distribute, and eat locally. When you're standing in the midst of a supermarket, it's hard to imagine that you're looking at a failing system. The abundance of food looks impressive but is really just a facade. In fact, there's often no more than a 3-day supply of food available for any given city due to complex, just-in-time national and international supply chains. The system is not only vulnerable, given the reality of food scares, natural disasters and economic upheavals, but also environmentally unsustainable in the long term. One answer is urban agriculture. "Food and the City" examines alternative food systems in cities around the globe that are shortening their supply chains and growing food within city limits. More than just a niche concern of a few activists, urban agriculture is becoming a global movement that cuts across the private and public sectors, economic classes, and cultures.
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