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Sure, he's ugly-but such talent! The human brain is the most complex structure in the universe. It's as awe-inspiring as it is intimidating, when you're not an expert. So how can we get to know the brain? By asking him to introduce himself, of course! In BrainComix, the brain is the star of the show-hamming it up in a televised interview conducted by the intrepid journalist Julia Mojito. Without jargon, and with plenty of humor, we come to understand how this spongy, bloody organ acts as our guardian angel, filters our perceptions, and shapes the stories we tell about the world and about ourselves. Test your brain with BrainComix!
A psychologist by training, Jean-Francois Marmion is an author and a scientific journalist. He is Associate Editor of the journal Sciences humaines and a former editor-in-chief of the magazine Le Cercle Psy. His book Psychologie de la connerie was a #1 bestseller in France, and it was published in English as The Psychology of Stupidity. Monsieur B is a scriptwriter-illustrator who works in comics and animation. He is the creator of several popular series, including La Verite sur..., Yoman, and Histoires de mecs et de nanas.
"Fun and forensic, this deep dive into anthropomorphized gray matter leaves no convolution of the brain unexplored. The brain as organ, the brain as self, the brain in all its glory." -Bob Fingerman, author of Dotty's Inferno and Minimum Wage
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