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The Coloniality of Animal Monstrous Othering in Children's Books, Films,

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The Coloniality of Animal Monstrous Othering in Children's Books, Films, and Toys examines how the portrayal of animals as physically distorted, behaviorally depraved, and intellectually defective serves to justify their debasement, violation, and destruction in materials directed toward young consumers. The author argues that this animal monstrous Othering arises from the Eurocentric belief in humans' natural superiority over animals and the right to categorize animals in accordance with a scale of worthiness that parallels the subjugation of racialized persons. The chapters examine a variety of canonical figures like the dissolute wolf of Red Riding Hood stories and the disfigured titular character of the Wonky Donkey picture book alongside non-canonical animals including reprobate pigs, degenerate sharks, self-centered flamingos, and wicked piranhas. To counter this animal debasement, Varga juxtaposes these readings with an examination of materials that articulate harmonious animal-human interrelationships without dependence on styles of anthropomorphism that diminish animality.
Donna Varga is professor in the Child and Youth Study Department at Mount Saint Vincent University, Halifax.
A Few Words About Words Introduction: Coloniality, Commodification and the Animal as Monstrous Other Chapter 1: Racist Animal Othering Chapter 2: Beware the Beast: The Coloniality of Animal Monstrous Othering Chapter 3: Scientific Discourse and the Zoological Gaze in Animal Monstrous Othering Chapter 4: Happy Captives and Monstrous Hybrids: The Flamingo in Children's Stories With Victoria Dempsey Chapter 5: Countering the Coloniality of Animal Monstrous Othering
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