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Supralapsarian Christology and the Progressive Work of Christ

Christus Dominus
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In Supralapsarian Christology and the Progressive Work of Christ: Christus Dominus, Thomas G. Doughty Jr. produces a fresh theological narrative presenting the work of Christ progressively. Through both biblical and systematic theological lenses, Christus Dominus explains how the incarnate Son of God accomplishes multiple benefits for humanity and the cosmos. This model articulates a supralapsarian motivation for the incarnation of divine-human co-dominion but also accounts for the infralapsarian motivation of atonement for human sin. In doing so, Christus Dominus demonstrates that supralapsarian Christology is compatible with objective approaches to atonement, showing also how penal substitutionary atonement fits within the more holistic motif of Christus Victor. This book addresses weaknesses in infralapsarian Christologies which deem the incarnation primarily contingent on the human fall into sin. By exploring God's creation intentions and his faithfulness to realize those intentions in the incarnate Christ through eschatological promises, Christus Dominus encapsulates the biblical revelation relating the work of Christ to humanity's progressive vocation. Then, by drawing on the strengths of recent work of Christ frameworks, the author systematically arranges an objective atonement model within that progressive work of Christ. Christus Dominus thus upholds the unique necessity of the crucifixion within a supralapsarian Christology as the incarnate Christ's work progressively unfolds.
Thomas G. Doughty Jr. is assistant professor of theology and Christian worldview at New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary.
Acknowledgments Introduction: For Us and Our Salvation Chapter 1: Supralapsarian Christology and the Benefits of the Incarnate Christ Chapter 2: Christus Dominus I: Creation Intentions Chapter 3: Christus Dominus II: Eschatological Expectations Chapter 4: Recent Atonement Frameworks and Traditional Objective Approaches Chapter 5: The Progressive Work of Christ Conclusion: Christus Dominus as a Worldview Story Appendix: Atonement Frameworks and Models Bibliography About the Author
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