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Ahimsa in the Indic Traditions

Explorations and Reflections
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Ahi?sa in the Indic Traditions: Explorations and Reflections, edited by Jeffery D. Long and Steven J. Rosen, examines the diversity of nonviolent (ahimsa-oriented) doctrines originating in the Indic world, both in terms of interpersonal relationships and how they apply to the rest of creation, including animals. This volume engages the voices of scholars from various disciplines and addresses numerous religious doctrines, including those of Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and their related sacred texts. The book focuses not only on past scholarship and intellectual modes of understanding nonviolence, but also on living traditions and the practice of modern and post-modern individuals, from Vivekananda to Gandhi to Prabhupada, and their millions of supporters and followers. The volume shows that the implications of ahimsa are staggering, with reference to interpersonal exchange, vegetarianism, animal rights, climate change, and so on.
Jeffery D. Long is the Carl W. Zeigler Professor of religion, philosophy, and Asian studies at Elizabethtown College. Steven J. Rosen is founding editor of the Journal of Vaishnava Studies and associate editor of Back to Godhead magazine.
Introduction, Jeffery D. Long and Steven J. Rosen Chapter 1:Arjuna's Decision: The Warrior Ethic in the Bhagavad Gita, Steven J. Rosen Chapter 2:War and Nonviolence in the Bhagavad Gita: Correcting Common Misconceptions, Jeffery D. Long Chapter 3: Of Bows and Pipelines: Can the Bhagavad Gita Direct Us to Climate Justice?, Christopher L. Fici Chapter 4: Reconciling K?atriya Dharma with Ahi?sa in the Mahabharata: The Journey of Yudhi??hira, Rodney Sebastian Chapter 5: Ahi?sa in the Yoga Sutra and its Traditional Commentaries, Janne Kontala Chapter 6: Nonviolence: Tracing its Srama?a Roots and Seeing its Practical Utility, Vincent Sekhar Chapter 7: Ahi?sa and Anekantavada: Nonviolence and Discourse in Jain Thought and Practice, Jeffery D. Long Chapter 8: White Supremacy and Two Theories of Ahi?sa: Jainism vs. Yoga, Shyam Ranganathan Chapter 9: Ahi?sa in the Thought of Swami Vivekananda, Jeffery D. Long Chapter 10: Bhaktivedanta, Gandhi, and the Social Implications of Nonviolence, Cogen Bohanec Chapter 11: Subverting Hierarchies: The Song of the Pious Butcher, Steven J. Rosen About the Contributors
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