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Emerging Central Asia

Managing Great Power Relations
The end of the Cold War era has led to drastic changes in Eurasian geopolitics, particularly regarding energy politics in Central Asia and the Caspian Sea Region. The emergence of the newly independent Republics -- including Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan -- shifted control from the Soviet Union and led to increased competition and cooperation between the regional and extra-regional powers for the rich energy and mineral resources of these states. This book aims to explore how the Central Asian Republics have managed their relations with small and major powers during the 25 years following the collapse of the USSR. The authors identify and discuss the questions like: what are the Central Asian states' interests and how they are pursuing them? What are the CAR states' relationships with these powers, and what is changing? Are the great powers outsourcing policing or security responsibilities to the CAR?
Dr. Kashif Hasan Khan is currently Director, Silk Road Research Centre, Ala-Too International University, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. He has previously worked in the corporate sector as an international business consultant. He has worked in Turkey, Philippines, England and India. His research and teaching interests include international business, international trade theories, and the economy of Central Asia and history of economic thoughts. Dr. Kashif has written a number of articles, and attended and coordinated national and international conferences in India and abroad. His major work has been with ADB (Asian Development Bank), Minorities Commission of India as well as the IT sector. Dr. Halil Koch serves as Vice Rector of Ala-Too International University in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. Dr. Koch has dedicated over 25 years to the development of education in the Kyrgyz Republic. He was awarded a Certificate of Honor by the Kyrgyz Ministry of Education in 2004.
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