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Hearts and Minds

Hizmet Schools and Interethnic Relations
  • ISBN-13: 9781682060322
  • Publisher: BLUE DOME PRESS
    Imprint: BLUE DOME PRESS
  • By Vincent N Parrillo, By Maboud Ansari
  • Price: AUD $40.99
  • Stock: 0 in stock
  • Availability: This book is temporarily out of stock, order will be despatched as soon as fresh stock is received.
  • Local release date: 30/07/2022
  • Format: Paperback (230.00mm X 155.00mm) 176 pages Weight: 0g
  • Categories: Education [JN]
This book is a comparative, qualitative research study of an educational phenomenon still functioning worldwide: Hizmet. Dr. Parrillo and Dr. Ansari present a cross-cultural study of Hizmet schools in seven countries of varying histories and ethnic compositions.
Vincent N. Parrillo, Professor Emeritus at William Paterson University, is author of a dozen books, a past Fulbright recipient, producer of six award-winning PBS documentaries, and a past vice president of the Eastern Sociological Society. Maboud Ansari is also a past Fulbright recipient and Professor Emeritus at William Paterson University. He authored The Making of the Iranian Community in America and The Iranian Americans.
" a skillful analysis of a schooling model that offers important lessons for a troubled world." -- John J. Macionis, Professor Emeritus, Kenyon College, USA, Prentice Hall Distinguished Scholar elaborately documented and rendered in a manner that drives the reader to consider how Gulen philosophy can be applied to any society seeking moral repair and advancement for all. -- H. Mark Ellis, Professor of Sociology and Criminal Justice, William Paterson University, United States a valuable contribution to academic and political debates on interethnic relations and religious transnationalism. -- ~ Marco Martiniello, Research Director FRS_FNRS, Liege University, Belgium
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