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9781785834875 Add to Cart Academic Inspection Copy

Taking Control 2

How to prepare for Ofsted under the Education Inspection Framework
  • ISBN-13: 9781785834875
  • By Paul Garvey
  • Price: AUD $50.99
  • Stock: 0 in stock
  • Availability: This book is temporarily out of stock, order will be despatched as soon as fresh stock is received.
  • Local release date: 14/07/2020
  • Format: Paperback 200 pages Weight: 0g
  • Categories: Education [JN]
This invaluable handbook will equip teachers, subject leaders and the school's senior leadership team with the tools and know-how to prepare for their next inspection with confidence.
Distilled from Paul Garvey's 11 years of inspection experience, this practical book builds on its predecessor Taking Control to help schools ready themselves for their crucial next visit from Ofsted. It will help all maintained schools in the UK to prepare for inspection under Ofsted's 2019 Education Inspection Framework (EIF).
Taking Control 2 contains many first-hand experiences of inspection under the updated EIF and highlights the methodology of inspection, including ‘Deep Dives' and the 90-minute phone call, combined with top tips to ensure school leaders get the best out of the assessments for their school. It also provides a range of effective self-evaluation tools to help schools compile a persuasive Self-Evaluation Form (SEF) in order to convince the inspection team of the true quality of the school's provision and ensure that the school is awarded the deserved grade.
Features and benefits:
  • Offers an inside story on inspection, combining anecdotal experience, expert advice and step-by-step guidance on how to prepare effectively for an upcoming inspection.
  • Alleviates some of the worries around inspection, helping schools to avoid piling unnecessary work onto staff, and encourages leaders to feel much more confident about the process.
  • Shares the inspector's methodology pre, during and post inspection – providing school leaders with key insights into what to expect.
  • Regularly refers to Ofsted's School Inspection Handbook, linking Paul's guidance to the official grading criteria.
Suitable for head teachers, senior leadership team members, subject leaders, classroom teachers, teaching assistants, governors and all stakeholders in all mainstream schools.
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