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Art of Living, Art of Dying: Spiritual Care for a Good Death

Carlo Leget is Professor in Care Ethics and Endowed Professor of Spiritual and Ethical Questions in Palliative Care at the University of Humanistic Studies in Utrecht, Netherlands. He is Vice President of the European Association for Palliative Care. He lives in Zeist, Netherlands.
1. How death plays tricks on us.
2. The art of dying.
3. Inner space.
4. Who am I and what do I really want?
5. How do I deal with suffering?
6. How do I say goodbye?
7. How do I look back on my life?
8. What can I hope for?
9. The Ars moriendi model in religious perspective.
10. Working with the Ars moriendi model.

Spiritual and existential issues are highly prevalent in patients with serious and/or life-threatening illnesses. All members of the care team need to be able to address these issues in a way that is compassionate but also clinically relevant. Leget's Art of Living, Art of Dying offers a simple framework for interpreting spiritual and existential questions with patients and helping them to cope with their suffering.

Building on the medieval Ars moriendi tradition, the author introduces a contemporary art of dying model, which demonstrates through case-based examples how members of the care team can discuss existential and spiritual questions in a respectful and non-judgemental way and in the context of a patient's health and wellbeing. I recommend this book not only for chaplains and clergy, but also for others on the healthcare team, including counsellors, doctors, nurses, allied healthcare workers and other professionals who come into contact with patients in hospitals and hospices.

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