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Can I tell you about Loneliness?: A guide for friends, family and profes

Julian Stern is Professor of Education and Religion at York St John University, UK. He has published numerous books including Loneliness and Solitude in Education (Peter Lang), The Spiritual School (Continuum) and Getting the Buggers to do their Homework (Continuum) and used to work as a school teacher. He has conducted extensive research on loneliness in school children.
1. Introducing Jan, who is sometimes lonely. 2. What is the difference between loneliness and solitude? 3. Feeling lonely at school. 4. Why do I feel lonely in school? 5. Feeling lonely at home. 6. When do I feel most lonely? 7. What about my friends? 8. How does loneliness affect me? 9. Helping myself. 10. Where is the best place to go? 11. Why does music or drawing help? 12. How can my teachers help, in lessons? 13. How can my teachers help, outside lessons? 14. How can family and friends help? 15. Recommended reading, organisations and websites
Readers interested in the social and emotional development of children and youth will find Dr. Stern's book on loneliness both informative and immensely accessible. The generously illustrated narrative provides useful suggestions and needed recommendations to effectively address the issue both in school and at home. Educators and school-based counselors will find this book especially useful.
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