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Woodslane Online Catalogues

Trans Teen Survival Guide

  • ISBN-13: 9781785923418
  • By Fox Fisher, By Owl Fisher
  • Price: AUD $34.99
  • Stock: 36 in stock
  • Availability: Order will be despatched as soon as possible.
  • Local release date: 14/11/2018
  • Format: Paperback (214.00mm X 136.00mm) 224 pages Weight: 240g
  • Categories: Family & health [VF]
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Frank, friendly and funny, Trans Teen Survival Guide will leave transgender and non-binary teens informed, empowered and armed with all the tips, confidence and practical advice they need to navigate life as a trans teen.
Wondering how to come out to your family and friends, what it's like to go through cross hormonal therapy or how to put on a packer? Trans youth activists Fox and Owl have stepped in to answer everything that trans teens and their families need to know. With a focus on self-care, expression and being proud of your unique identity, the guide is packed full of invaluable advice from people who understand the realities and complexities of growing up trans. Having been there, done that, Fox and Owl are able to honestly chart the course of life as a trans teen, from potentially life-saving advice on dealing with dysphoria or depression, to hilarious real-life awkward trans stories.
1. So You're Trans? 2. Gender Roles Are Dead. 3. Telling the World (Or not!) 4. What Do I Call You? 5. Being You (Whoever That Is) 6. Dysphoria: The Monster. 7. Puberty & How To Cope. 8. Hormone blockers & Cross Hormones. 9. Genitals, Parts, Junk - What Suits Best? 10. Surgeries. 11. Dating as a Trans Person. 12. Awkward Trans Tales. 13. Dealing With the Media. 14. Documenting Your Journey. 15. Don't Get Mad-Get Even! 16. More Than Just Trans. 17. Self Care & How to Help Others. 18. Hopes For the Future. 19. Resources & Cool People. Appendix.
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