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Mental Health and Wellbeing Workout for Teens

Skills and Exercises from ACT and CBT for Healthy Thinking
  • ISBN-13: 9781785923944
  • By Paula Nagel, Illustrated by Gary Bainbridge
  • Price: AUD $37.99
  • Stock: 14 in stock
  • Availability: Order will be despatched as soon as possible.
  • Local release date: 14/05/2019
  • Format: Paperback (244.00mm X 172.00mm) 160 pages Weight: 265g
  • Categories: Family & health [VF]
Table of
This easy-to-understand, engaging guide arms teens with healthy thinking habits and coping strategies for staying on top of their mental health. Using tried and tested therapeutic techniques, readers are given the tools to build their own personalised mental health 'workout' to boost their emotional resilience and wellbeing.
Informed by the experiences of teens themselves, this friendly guide gives practical tips and strategies on how to overcome everyday stresses and ditch negative thinking 'frenemies' before they develop into more serious issues. Teens will be better equipped to recognise negative thoughts and emotions, monitor their mood and behaviour, and flex their positive thinking muscles in order to combat the mental health
blips we all face sometimes.
Market: Teenagers (12-18), their parents/carers, counsellors and educational professionals working with young people.
Part One - The Warm Up. Part Two - The Workout.
One of the most critical life skills we can give young people is an understanding of the power of their thoughts and how they connect to, and influence, emotions, behaviour and overall wellbeing. Paula has produced an expertly crafted book for young people that does just that. Having consulted throughout with her target audience, Paula's book provides clear guidance as to how young people can understand their thought processes and achieve self-awareness, regulation and control.
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