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Parenting Traumatized Children with Developmental Differences: Strategie

s to Help Your Child's Sensory Processing, Language Development, Executive Function and Challenging Behaviours
  • ISBN-13: 9781785924330
  • By Sara McLean
  • Price: AUD $40.99
  • Stock: 13 in stock
  • Availability: Order will be despatched as soon as possible.
  • Local release date: 14/05/2019
  • Format: Paperback (215.00mm X 137.00mm) 176 pages Weight: 220g
  • Categories: Advice on parenting [VFX]
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Experiencing trauma early in life can lead to changes in a child's social and cognitive skills. Dr Sara McLean explains how to help children who are coping with sensory and emotional regulation difficulties or struggling with language, communication or memory - in this comprehensive guide for foster carers and adoptive parents.  
- Strong appeal for adoptive or foster parents, as well as any other parents with children who've experienced early trauma.
- Evidence-based strategies will make a real difference to help support children's sensory problems, language development and challenging behaviours.
- Groundbreaking focus on developmental difference - most existing books focus on attachment or trauma theory.
Market: Foster and adoptive parents and professionals who support children in foster care (e.g. social workers, foster care support workers and teachers).
Introduction; 1: Early Adversity And Developmental Difference; 2. An Introduction To Normal Development; 3: An Introduction To The Reasons For Challenging Behaviour; 4. Developmental Difference In Sensory Regulation; 5. Developmental difference in language and communication; 6. Developmental difference in emotional regulation; 7. Developmental Difference in Executive Functioning; 8. Developmental Difference in Social Information Processing; 9. Communicating about your child's Developmental Difference to others; 10. Summary; Resources
I commend this book as an essential read for all current and future caregivers who want to understand their child's behaviour and to parent more effectively.
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