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Sometimes I Feel Sad

Sometimes I feel sad.
Sometimes it's because I've lost something.
Or because I'm hurt.
Other times I don't know why I feel sad.
I just do.
Feeling sad is, unfortunately, a part of everyone's life, and there's not always an easy fix. This touching book helps explain to children aged 5+ that they're not alone in feeling this way, and is especially useful for children who struggle to express their feelings.
Market: Children aged 5+, especially those not in touch with their feelings, and their parents. Also of interest to anyone who works with helping a child's emotional needs, including therapists.

Book review by Kate, 6, and Amy, 2.Kate said, ""I like that it says sometimes people feel sad and they've got to cheer up. Some people sometimes feel happy because they've got a happy thing to think about.""When people feel sad they can read it and it might make them feel better because it's a happy ending. It says at the end 'because it means I'm not alone'. It's nice.""When Mummy asked Kate who she tells when she feels sad, she said, ""If a friend is nasty I tell the teacher or one of my family members and after we can solve it. Usually the other child is not mean to me anymore.""Amy listened to Kate reading the book and loved looking at the bold colours. After reading the book, she began to play but got upset and came to Mummy to say, ""Mummy, I feel sad!"" So although Amy is very young and often gets frustrated when trying to express her thoughts, she clearly took something away from this book: that children should try to articulate their feelings and find a trusted person to share their sadness with so they don't feel alone - but ultimately, we all feel sad sometimes.

Sometimes I Feel Sad is ideal for younger children, especially in an EYFS setting or for children who have difficulty in communicating their feelings. It provides a platform for useful discussion around feelings and how others react to your sadness.

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