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The Simple Guide to Attachment Difficulties in Children

What They Are and How to Help
Table of
What are attachment difficulties? How do they affect children? How can you help? This book provides clear and concise answers to these important questions - and more. Much more than just a simple introduction to the subject of attachment, the book is also full of advice and practical ideas you can try. It tackles some challenging questions, such as 'what is the difference between trauma and attachment?', and explains how having an understanding of attachment is only part of the overall picture when it comes to caring for traumatized children. It is an essential read for any adult parenting or caring for a child who has experienced attachment difficulties.
Market: Adoptive/foster families and related professionals such as teachers, counsellors, social workers, parents, educators
1. What is attachment? 2. How does an attachment grow stronger? 3. The brain science around attachment. 4. The safe place and co-regulation. 5. What is an unhealthy attachment style? 6. Anxious, controlling or helicopter parenting. 7. Attachment trauma. 8. A healing adult relationship. 9. Resilience, bad days and top tips!
This book is easily digestible yet manages to cover the well researched topic of attachment brilliantly. As a nursery owner I will be ensuring my team read this and as a mum of three boys, I have taken the guidelines and easily accessible advice laid out in the book and reflected on my own parenting techniques that can so easily be tweaked to ensure stronger and more positive attachments with all three of my children. Thank you Betsy. It's great that someone has taken the time to digest these huge topics and present them so that we all may have a positive impact on children's lives.
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